Stope Reconciliation - Run

To access this screen:

Generate cut and fill volumes representing stope overbreak and underbreak, either one at a time, or as a batch of scenarios.

Once a run is complete and an output dilution model exists, you can review the results of reconciliation on the Results screen.

The output dilution model is attributed according to inputs. The output dilution model is stored in the Stope Reconciliation Database (in your project folder).

Note: generating a stope design and output dilution model can, for large input files and batch runs, take several minutes. A progress bar is displayed throughout the process.

To launch a stope reconciliation run for one or more scenarios:

  1. Display the Stope Reconciliation screen.

  2. Ensure reconciliation Settings are defined. See Stope Reconciliation - Input Settings.

  3. Display the Run screen.

    A table displays showing one record per defined scenario.

  4. For each scenario you wish to process, check Process.

  5. Click Run.

    Processing starts and status messages are displayed throughout processing. These messages are split into the following information types:

    • Errors: these problems prevent processing of reconciliation data and should be resolved before rerunning the affected scenario(s).

    • Warnings: these messages highlight unexpected results of processing, but may be okay. Investigate and resolve if required.

    • Messages: status messages during processing indicating successful processing stages passed.

    Note: if errors occur, more information can be found from the log file found in your project's Stope Reconciliation folder. If the problem persists, check your inputs and settings.

  6. View reconciliation results using the Results panel.

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