Select Lag Size for Variography

Variogram values are calculated for increasing separation distances between samples. The increment in separation distance is known as the lag or lag size. Lag size can be adjusted on variogram fans during directional continuity analysis, or on experimental variograms during variogram modelling.

For more information on selecting the optimal lag for your data, see Selecting the Optimal Lag Size for Variogram Modelling.

Activity Steps

  1. Click the variogram model or fan in the Project Tree.
  2. Click on the green marker on the left side of the lag bar (yellow line) beneath the variogram and drag to the right.

    The yellow line changes to red and numbers display above the line.


    If the lag bar does not display, ensure that Lag bar is checked in the Draw tab. See Configure Variogram Draw Properties.

    The lag size displays in the top right corner of the variogram model if Lag size is checked in the Draw tab.

  3. To increase the lag distance beyond the end of the initial limit, drag the marker to the right side of the line and release. Click and drag from the left side of the line again to increase the lag size.
  4. Release the line when you have selected the lag distance.