Create a Discrete Unit Package Group

Alternative activities to create discrete unit package groups are to:

Note: If packages or package groups have a creation date later than the creation date of the parent package group, the parent package group cannot be saved. To overcome this, perform one of the following steps:
• Create the child packages or package groups first, prior to the creation of the parent package group.
• Create the parent package group, but create the child packages with a batch creation date and a package creation date earlier than the package group creation date.
• Create the parent package group, create a manual activity for the package group, and then select the child packages and package groups.

Security Note: You need the Allow package group maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Package Group Explorer.

    Note: You can also create package groups via the Package Groups tab of a Discrete Unit Location, Rail Siding, Truck Location, Barge Terminal or Port Location. If creating a package group via a location, step 3 below is not required.

  2. Right-click in the package group table and select New » Discrete Package Group from the menu.
  3. Select the discrete unit location, discrete unit division, or despatch location at which to create the package group.

    The Package Group (DU) displays.

  4. Update the Name if required.
  5. If the package group will not have packing items (see Assign Packing Items to a Package Group), update the Tare Mass and unit if required. For a package group associated with a Container Type, this tare mass includes the tare mass of the container type. Default unit: kg.

    The Net Mass, Gross Mass, Container Gross Mass and Storage Type are read-only fields.

  6. Update the Opening Date if required.

    Packages and child package groups cannot be added to the package group before the opening date. The package group cannot be moved before the opening date.

    Note: For package groups with only Initial State in the Activity table (on the Manual tab), changing the package group's Opening Date also updates the Applicable From date for the Initial State. If the Initial State's Applicable From date needs to be different from the Opening Date, update the Opening Date first, and then the Applicable From date. The Initial State in the Activity table cannot be deleted.

  7. If the package group is at a discrete unit location, select the Discrete Unit Division if required. Select from the discrete unit divisions defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer and that are at the discrete unit location.
  8. Update the following fields if required.
    • Seal Number 1
    • Seal Number 2
    • Container Type—Select from the container types defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. Only container types that match the Storage Type of the package group display. Only editable in the header of the Package Group screen. Not editable in any Package Group table.
    • ISO Code—International Standards Organisation (ISO) code of the container assigned to the package group. Only editable in the header of the Package Group screen and the Package Group table of a package group batch. Not editable in any other Package Group table. If a Container Type is selected, the ISO code is inherited from the container type but is editable.
    • Keep Package Group Together—Whether the packages and child package groups in the parent package group are kept together. That is, even when the group is split and despatched in separate movements, when they are unloaded at the destination location, they are automatically reunited under the parent package group.
    • Commercial Package Group
    • Comment
  9. To associate the package group with a despatch order:
    1. Select the Despatch Order. See Search for a Despatch Order to Add to a Transaction, Movement or Package Group.

      A message displays about updating fields for lotting. See Assign Packages to Package Group Lots (Lotting).

    2. Select OK or Cancel as required.

      The Required Quantity and Required Number Of Packages of the despatch order display and are read-only.

    Note: When searching for package groups to load onto a despatch, the package group will only be included in the search results if this despatch order has been added to the despatch.

  10. Click Save.

    Note: If the Package Group status definition exists, the package group is assigned the initial status. This status definition controls whether the package group is editable and selectable. See Status Definitions. The Current Status displayed in the header fields of the package group is read-only.