Enter Lot Sample Data for a Despatch

This activity is applicable to trains, truck despatches, service trips, shipments and lot despatches; and presumes that:

If a sample template is used to create a composite sample for a selected transaction, it cannot be used to create a lot sample for the same transaction.

Sample data cannot be edited after the sample results have been used in an assay exchange. See Contract Fulfilment (Assay Exchange).

Security Note: Depending on the despatch type, you need the applicable security rights for this activity:
Allow train maintenance and Allow train loading/unloading in the Trains domain security rights group
Allow truck despatch maintenance and Allow truck loading/unloading in the Trucks domain security rights group
Allow barge service trip maintenance and Allow barge loading/unloading in the Barge Despatches domain security rights group
Allow shipment maintenance in the Shipments domain security rights group
Allow lot despatch maintenance in the Lot Despatches domain security rights group

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Train, Truck Despatch, Service Trip, Shipment or Lot Despatch.
  2. Select the route point in the Route Diagram where the loading or unloading occurred.
  3. Select the Lot Samples tab; or for a shipment, the Lot Samples sub-tab of the Logistics tab.
  4. Select a Despatch Order if required.

    To minimise the possibility of lot samples being assigned to the wrong despatch order, select a despatch order to display only the transactions associated with that despatch order. If no despatch order is selected, all transactions display.

    Important: A lot sample regime can only apply to a set of transactions associated with one despatch order. If the selected transactions are associated with more than one despatch order, an error will occur when attempting to save.

  5. Create a lot sample regime:
    1. Right-click in the Lot Sample Regime field group and select New from the menu.

      Note: If the Lot Sample Regime status definition exists, the lot sample regime is assigned the initial status. This status definition controls whether the lot sample regime is editable and selectable. See Status Definitions and View or Change Sample Status.

    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Lot Sample Regime—Name of the lot sample regime.
      • Sampling Template—Select from the sample templates defined for the process flow.
      • Default Sample Mass
      • Sample UOM—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
      • Disable Auto Calculation—Whether to disable the automatic calculation of lot sample quantities when transactions are selected for the lot sample regime. If checked, lot samples must be created manually. Lot sample transaction proportions and weighted averages will still be calculated automatically. If unchecked, the number of lot samples is calculated automatically using the quantity of the selected transactions and the default sample mass specified in the lot sample regime.
  6. Associate the lot sample regime with loading or unloading transactions:
    1. Select the lot sample regime.
    2. Check Selected for each transaction to which the lot sample regime applies.

      You can right-click the transactions and select Assign All or Unassign All from the menu.

  7. If Disable Auto Calculation is unchecked, MineMarket creates the lot samples when the transactions are selected. To recalculate the lot samples if required, right-click the lot sample regime and select Calculate from the menu.

    The number of lot samples is based upon the Default Sample Mass and the Mass or Original Mass (depending on sample settings – see Specify Sample Settings) of material in the selected transactions.

    A total row displays totals for the mass and proportion columns, and a weighted average for the analyte value columns.

  8. If Disable Auto Calculation is checked, right-click in the Lot Samples table and select New from the menu for the number of required lot samples.
  9. Enter the sample results for each lot sample:
    1. Select the lot sample on the Lot Samples sub-tab.
    2. Update the Lot Mass if required.

      If Disable Auto Calculation is unchecked, and the Lot Mass is updated, such that fewer or more lot samples are required to cover the mass of the selected transactions, MineMarket adjusts the number of lot samples.

      Note: The Lot Transaction Proportion is read-only and is the amount of bulk material, in the Sample UOM, from the associated Transaction that comprises the lot. The total of each Lot Transaction Proportion related to one lot sample should equal the Lot Mass, except when it is the last lot sample and not enough material exists to make up an entire lot. This amount is re-factored if the Sample UOM is changed. Whether the Lot Mass and Transaction Mass consider draft surveys depends on the sample settings. See Specify Sample Settings.

    3. Update the Lot Dry Mass if required. The lot dry mass displays and is editable only if Enter Lot Sample Mass In Dry Basis is checked in the applicable set of assay rules. See Enter Assay Rules for a Set of Contract Terms.
    4. If Enter Lot Sample Mass In Dry Basis is checked, to change which value is calculated, right-click the lot samples and select Calculated Value » [Wet Mass / Dry Mass / Moisture] from the menu.
    5. Enter the Value for each analyte.

      Press Tab or Enter to move between cells when entering sample data. Use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste data into the table. Data is pasted into cells from left to right for rows, and top to bottom for columns.

      For samples associated with a single despatch order, the Original Grade Decimal Places of the analyte's settlement rule determines how many decimal places display for data entry. See Enter Assay Rules for a Set of Contract Terms. If there is no settlement rule for the analyte, or if there is no (or more than one) despatch order, the number of decimal places specified for the analyte in the Analyte Definition Editor is used.

      It is possible to Change the Default Analytes Displayed for Sample Data Entry.

      Note: If the transaction is associated with a despatch order for a contract where the assay rules specify Default Laboratories, the sample Value and a Sample Date can be entered for each laboratory. The average (that is, the mean) of values for each analyte displays. The value that matches the (Default) Multi-Lab Settlement Method is underlined and is the only downstreamed value. MineMarket also updates the Sample Date (for the lot sample, next to the Comment column) based on the Default Multi-Lab Settlement Method; however, if that method is Mean, the latest date is used. The Sample Date (for the lot sample) is read-only.

    6. If the Sample Analyte status definition exists, select the Status for each analyte.

      Note: You can only change the status if the status transition is allowed for your user group. Status link configuration may require that only different users can change consecutive statuses, or that the user who changes the status cannot be the user who last modified the sample analyte. To view the status history for the individual analyte, right-click the status and select Open Analyte Status History from the menu.

    7. Update the Sample Date if required and only if there are results from a single laboratory.
    8. Enter a Comment if required.
  10. To delete a lot sample, right-click the lot sample and select Delete from the menu.

    Note: You can only delete lot samples if Disable Auto Calculation is checked.

  11. If multi-laboratory configuration has changed in assay rules since initial sample data entry, and sample data now needs to be entered for new laboratories or a different laboratory's results are to be the default results, right-click in the results table and select Synchronise Laboratories from the menu.

    A warning message displays if any data will be deleted; that is, for a laboratory no longer applicable for an analyte.

  12. Click Save.