Configure Assay Exchange Factoring for a Set of Contract Terms

An assay factor rule can be used for either assay exchange factoring or random invoice factoring. See also Configure Random Invoice Factoring for a Set of Contract Terms.

Only one assay factor rule can be added to a set of contract terms; however, the assay factor rule can include multiple analytes, each with different adjustment factors.

In assay exchange factoring, the adjustment is by a default factor, which can be overridden per sample on the Analyte Values Selection tab in the assay exchange. The adjustment affects the seller result (in a sales contract) or the buyer result (in a purchase contract) that is used in the assay exchange.

The adjustment can be either a multiplication factor (expressed as a percentage), or else added to the analyte assay result.

Because this factoring changes results used in the assay exchange, factoring can affect invoice calculations. Only approved sample results can be used in the assay exchange. See Approve Sample Results for an Assay Exchange.

Security Note: You need the Allow contract maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  3. Right-click the Assay Rules node and select New Assay Factor Rule from the menu.
  4. Select the Assay Factor Rule node.
  5. Set Assay Factor Method to one of the following options:
    • Assay Exchange Factoring (Add)—The Default Factor is added to the analyte assay result. For example, if the analyte assay result is 200 g/t and the default factor is –5, the factored result is 195 g/t.
    • Assay Exchange Factoring (Multiply) (default)—The analyte assay result is multiplied by the Default Factor, which represents a percentage increase or decrease. For example, if the analyte assay result is 200 g/t and the default factor is –5, the factored result is 190 g/t.
  6. Add analytes as required:
    1. Right-click in the Assay Factor Rule table and select New from the menu.
    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Analyte Definition—Select from payable analytes specified in the contract, penalty analytes specified in the contract and contract product specification analytes.
      • Apply Factoring—Whether to apply factoring for the analyte's values in the assay exchange. If checked, the seller result (in a sales contract) or the buyer result (in a purchase contract) is adjusted by the Default Factor. The original (seller/buyer) result is stored and displayed in the assay exchange; however, the original result is not used in determining the final result. The adjusted seller/buyer result is used in determining the final result. If unchecked, no factoring is applied to the analyte in the assay exchange.
      • Default Factor—Default factor used to adjust the seller result (in a sales contract) or the buyer result (in a purchase contract) in the assay exchange. A positive number represents an increase and a negative number represents a decrease. The default factor can be overridden for each sample in the assay exchange. Only applicable if Apply Factoring is checked.
  7. Click Save.