Compare Despatch Order Revenue Snapshots

See Despatch Order Snapshots for more information.

This activity is only applicable if Create Copy Of Despatch Order Snapshots is checked in snapshot settings. See Specify Snapshot Settings.

Security Note: Assuming you can view the despatch order, no specific security right is required for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Despatch Order.

    Note: You can also compare snapshots via the Despatch Orders node of the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.

  2. Select the Assay Values Snapshot tab.
  3. Select the Invoice Type if required.
  4. Select the Revenue tab.
  5. Select the Snapshot History tab.
  6. Complete the following fields as required.
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Display—Type of data to display in the Despatch Order Snapshot History chart. Select from:
      • Monetary Value
      • Wet Mass
      • Dry Mass
      • Content—Only applicable to despatch orders for contracts with analyte pricing.
      • Payable Content—Only applicable to despatch orders for contracts with analyte pricing.
      • Price
    • Analyte—Payable analyte for which to display data in the Despatch Order Snapshot History chart. Only applicable to despatch orders for contracts with analyte pricing, and if Display is Content, Payable Content or Price.
  7. To zoom into the chart, select an area of the chart.
  8. To zoom out of the chart, click the minus icon in the bottom-left corner of the chart.