Create a Batch of Invoices

Security Note: You need the Allow invoice maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity. For accrual invoices, you need the applicable Allow the user to create [invoice document type] accruals security rights in the Invoice user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Invoice Batch Processing screen.
  2. Select the Invoice Date that is to apply to all invoices created in the batch.

    The selection of the Invoice Date has an impact on the despatch orders that are available for batch invoicing:

    • If the despatch order has already been invoiced, and the batch Invoice Date is earlier than the current invoice due date, the despatch order is excluded.
    • If the only valid invoice type for the despatch order is Final (for example, if the previous invoice was the last possible invoice before the first final invoice, or if the contractual invoice types are limited to final invoices), but the Invoice Date is before the end of the final quotation period (QP), then the Final QP criteria is not met and the despatch order is excluded.

    Likewise, the Invoice Date has an impact on the QP that is valid for earlier invoice types.

    For these reasons, the Invoice Date should be specified before searching for despatch orders to invoice.

  3. Select the Document Type for which to create invoices in the batch. Select from Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Freight Invoice and Service Invoice.
  4. Enter the following search criteria as required.
    • Date Range—Limit the search to despatch orders with the selected Date Type in the selected date range. The date selector has the following options:
      • Month—Select a single month of a selected calendar year. Default: The current month.
      • Quarter—Select a single quarter of a selected calendar year.
      • Year—Select a single calendar year.
      • Date Range—Specify any start and end date.
      • Today—Set the date range to the current date.
      • Clear—Ignore the date range as a search criterion.
    • Date Type—Type of date to match when searching within a date range. Select from:
      • Due Date—As calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service, and displayed on the Assay Values Snapshot tab on the Despatch Order. Only applicable when creating sales or purchase invoices. If searching by Due Date, ensure that calculation of the due date is possible. For example, if the reference date of the payment terms is based on the invoice date, then the despatch orders will not be included in search results because the invoice date cannot be determined until the invoice has been created.
      • Planned Despatch Date—As indicated on the despatch order.
      • Bill of Lading Date—As indicated on the despatch order.
    • Contract Type—Limit the search to despatch orders of the selected contract type. Select from Sales Contract and Purchase Contract. Not applicable when creating service or freight invoices.
    • Activities—Limit the search to despatch orders with costs related to the selected activities. For freight invoices, select from the Freight Activity list items defined in the List Editor. For service invoices, select from the Service Activity and Finance Activity list items defined in the List Editor. Not applicable when creating sales or purchase invoices.
    • Buyers/Sellers/Providers—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer. The name and impact of this field depends on the Document Type:
      • For sales invoices, limit the search to despatch orders with one of the selected organisations as the buyer.
      • For purchase invoices, limit the search to despatch orders with one of the selected organisations as the seller.
      • For service or freight invoices, limit the search to despatch orders with costs where one of the selected organisations is the provider.
    • Companies—Limit the search to sales despatch orders with one of the selected companies as the seller, or purchase despatch orders with one of the selected companies as the buyer. Select from the companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Districts—Limit the search to despatch orders for the selected districts. Select from the districts defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Commitment—Limit the search to despatch orders for contracts with the selected contract commitment. Select from the Contract Commitment list items defined in the List Editor.
    • Contract Role—Limit the search to despatch orders for contracts with a contact of the selected contact role. Select from the Contact Type list items defined in the List Editor.
    • Contract Contact—Limit the search to despatch orders for contracts with a contact's name that includes the text.
    • Material Types—Limit the search to despatch orders for contracts for the selected material types. Select from the material types defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Products—Limit the search to despatch orders for the selected products. Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. If a Material Type is selected, only products and brands with the matching material type display.
    • Locations—Select from the locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. The impact of this field depends on the Document Type:
      • For sales or purchase invoices, limit the search to despatch orders with the selected locations as the planned loading location or planned unloading location.
      • For service or freight invoices, limit the search to despatch orders with costs applicable to the selected locations.
    • Display Only Despatch Orders With Despatch—Whether to limit the search to despatch orders that are associated with a despatch. Only applicable when creating sales, purchase or service invoices. Despatch orders without a despatch are never displayed when creating a batch of freight invoices.
    • Display Only Realised Despatch Orders—Whether to limit the search to despatch orders for which control has passed. The configuration of delivery terms includes the conditions that must be met on despatches in order for control to pass from the seller to the buyer.
    • Display Only Despatch Orders Without Commercial Invoice—Whether to limit the search to despatch orders and despatches that do not yet have a commercial invoice, as specified on the Invoice Types screen. When creating service or freight invoices, this checkbox is called Display Only Despatch Orders / Despatches Without Commercial Invoice.
  5. To include a text string in the search criteria:
    1. Select the method to Search By from:
      • Despatch Order Name
      • Despatch Name—Train, truck despatch, service trip or shipment.
      • Despatch NumberDespatch Number of a truck despatch or service trip, Consignment Number of a train, or Voyage Number of a shipment.
      • Transport Name—Name of the train, truck, barge or vessel.
    2. Enter the Search Text. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
  6. Click Search or press F3.

    A progress bar displays the progress of the search.

    All despatch orders that are available for batch invoicing display in the Despatch Orders table. For freight and service invoicing, each despatch order row can be expanded to display the service or freight providers and the applicable despatches.

    Note: If the Invoice Date is changed after the despatch order search, the search results are cleared. For example, making the invoice date earlier may mean that there are QPs that are not finished. Alternatively, making the invoice date later may mean that there are despatch orders that should be available because they are now overdue for payment.

    You can save search criteria as a search profile. Search profiles for the Invoice Batch Processing screen include all criteria except a selected Date Range. See Use Saved Search Profiles in MineMarket Explorers and Billboards.

  7. Set the invoice options:
    1. Check Group Despatch Orders In One Invoice if required. For sales and purchase invoicing, only applicable when creating invoices for a single organisation. For freight and service invoicing, see Invoice Batch Processing for the impact of this option.
    2. Check Create As Accrual if required.
    3. For service or freight invoicing, select the Invoice Type. Default: Final.

      Only applicable when creating service or freight invoices and only displayed if there is more than one contractual invoice type specified for applicable service or freight contracts. For service invoices for finance rates, the only invoice type is Final.

      The invoice type does not limit the displayed despatch orders and despatches. However, if an invoice type is not applicable for a despatch, the Selected checkbox is read-only for that despatch. If an invoice type is not applicable for all service or freight contracts associated with costs for a despatch, the despatch is selectable but highlighted as a warning. A tooltip displays information about the limitation. For example, a shipment may have multiple costs. The shipment displays as a single row in the Despatch Orders table. One service contract may only have final invoices, and another service contract may have both provisional and final invoices. If Invoice Type is Provisional, only one of the costs will be included in the generated invoice.

  8. For sales or purchase invoicing:
    1. Check Selected for the despatch orders for which to create invoices.
    2. Update the Invoice Type for each despatch order if required.

      Select from the invoice types defined on the Invoice Types screen and specified for the contract.

      When creating sales or purchase invoices, MineMarket suggests the highest possible invoice type for each despatch order. The default invoice type is the recommended invoice type for that despatch order.

      Note the information in the following columns:

      • Final Weight—Whether the final weight has been determined for the despatch order.
      • Final QP—Whether the final quotation period has been determined for the despatch order and the price is approved. Not required for tolled analytes where the Toll Option is Toll Account or Toll Return.
      • Final Price—Whether the final price has been determined for the despatch order. Not required for tolled analytes where the Toll Option is Toll Account or Toll Return.
      • Quotation Period—Quotation period applicable to the suggested invoice type for the despatch order.
      • Final Assay—Whether the final material assays have been determined for the despatch order. If the contract assay rules have a Final Assay Location of No Assays Required for each assay rule, this checkbox is checked by default.
  9. For service or freight invoicing:
    1. Perform one of the following steps:
      1. Check Selected for the despatch orders for which to create invoices for all associated despatches.
      2. Check Selected for individual despatches for which to create invoices.
      3. Right-click in the Despatch Orders table and select Select All from the menu.
    2. For each selected despatch order or despatch, check Selected for the required rates in the Service Rates table. The table displays the service, freight or finance rates or costs associated with the selected despatch order or despatch. Rate details that display as costs on the snapshot of the relevant despatch order are preselected.
    3. Override the following fields if required.
      • Rate Detail Basis
      • Value
      • Duration
      • Time Basis
      • Use Calculation
      • Calc Expression

      Note: Overriding rate details of service charges in an invoice is only possible if Allow Override is checked for the rate detail configuration. Finance rate details cannot be overridden. Costs can be overridden. See Contract Rates for descriptions of these fields.

  10. Click Generate Invoices.

    A progress bar displays the progress of the invoice generation.

    Note: If an invoice could not be created, the Invoice Generation Status displays a description of the error.

  11. Enter the Batch Name. You can use this name when searching for invoices in the Invoice Explorer.
  12. To edit an invoice, click the Invoice Number.

    The Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Service Invoice or Freight Invoice displays.

  13. Click Save.