Find Invoices

Security Note: You need the following security rights for this activity:

  • Allow the user to view the Invoice Explorer in the Menu user group security rights group
  • Allow the user to search for invoices in the Contracts domain security rights group

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Invoice Explorer.
  2. To apply a date range to the search, check Include Date Range and enter the Start Date and End Date.
  3. Enter the following search criteria as required.
    • Organisation—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Company—Select from the companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • District—Select from the districts defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Material Type—Select from the material types defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Invoice State—Select from Both (locked and unlocked), Locked and Unlocked.
    • Entry Type—Select from Both, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
    • Accruals Filter—Select from Both, Standard and Accrual.
    • Document Type—Select from All, Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Service Invoice, Freight Invoice, Credit Note (includes both sales and purchase credit notes), Debit Note (includes both sales and purchase debit notes), Demurrage Invoice, Freight Demurrage Invoice, Service Demurrage Invoice, Freight Commission Invoice and Freight Demurrage Commission Invoice.
    • Invoice Type—Select from All and the invoice types defined on the Invoice Types screen.
    • Contract Contact—Text string included in the name of any contact associated with the contract.
    • Contract Basis—Select from the Contract Basis list items defined in the List Editor.
    • Contact Role—Select from the Contract Type list items defined in the List Editor.
    • Show Last Invoice Only—Whether to show only the last invoice when searching for invoices.
    • Show Unprinted Invoices—Whether to display only unprinted invoices.
    • Person In Charge—Display only invoices for which the user is selected as the Person In Charge on associated despatch orders. Select from the users defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. You can enter text to filter the displayed user names.
    • Trader—Display only invoices for which the user is selected as the Trader on the contract for associated despatch orders. Select from the users defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. You can enter text to filter the displayed user names.
  4. To include a text string in the search criteria:
    1. Select the method to Search By from:
      • Invoice
      • Reference
      • Despatch Order—Searching for the name of the parent despatch order (PDO) also returns invoices of the child despatch orders (CDOs) if invoicing is by CDO.
      • Despatch Name
      • Despatch NumberDespatch Number of a truck despatch or service trip, Consignment Number of a train, or Voyage Number of a shipment.
      • Vessel Name
      • Organisation
      • Invoice Batch
      • Invoice Batch Creator
      • Contract—Limit the search to invoices related to a sales or purchase contract.
    2. Enter the Search Text. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.

      Note: Multiple names (of any Search By method) can be entered as a comma-separated list. Names can also be copied from a single column of an Excel spreadsheet. When the clipboard contents are pasted into the Search Text field, MineMarket converts the data to a comma-separated list. When searching for multiple names, only exact matches are included in the search results.

  5. To sort the search results:
    1. Select the method to Order By from Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Reference.
    2. Set the Sort Order to be ascending or descending.
  6. Click Search or press F3.

    The original, payable, paid and pending amounts display for each invoice. The Original Amount is in the currency of the invoice. The Payable Amount, Paid Amount and Pending Amount are in the currency of the instalment(s); or if there are multiple instalments in different currencies, the amounts are in the currency of the invoice. If an invoice has been overpaid, its pending amount displays as a negative number for accounts payable, and as a positive number for accounts receivable.

    If an invoice has been reverted, Reverted By Invoice and Revert Of Invoice display invoice names as applicable.

    If a credit note was raised due an address commission percentage being specified in a freight invoice, the Freight Invoice Link displays for the credit note.

    If an invoice was created via the Invoice Batch Processing screen, Invoice Batch displays the name of the batch of invoices.

    Total rows display if all invoices have the same currency.

    Note: You can save search criteria as a search profile. Search profiles for the Invoice Explorer include all criteria except the Start Date and End Date. See Use Saved Search Profiles in MineMarket Explorers and Billboards.

  7. To adjust the column widths to fit their content, right-click and select Auto Resize Columns from the menu.

    All columns are resized except for the Organisation column, which can still be resized manually by dragging the column edge in the header. The width of columns is saved for each user.

  8. To edit an invoice or view more details, click the hyperlinked Invoice Number.

    The Sales Invoice, Credit Note, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Note, Demurrage Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Commission Invoice, Freight Demurrage Invoice, Freight Demurrage Commission Invoice, Service Invoice or Service Demurrage Invoice displays.