The Customize Dialog

Customizing toolbars


To access this dialog:

  • Right-click a toolbar icon and select Customize

The Customize dialog is used to set up general system behaviour, and to configure the content of toolbars.

The following tabs provide access to the customize functions:

Field details:

Commands: add and remove buttons from displayed toolbars. More...

Toolbars: display or hide toolbars, and other options. More...

Tools: set up and configure external applications. More...

Keyboard: set up accelerator keys for using your application. More...

Menu: customize menu items. More...

Mouse: set up mouse behaviour and sensitivity. More...

Options: general system options. More...

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Customizing your Application
Customization Tools
Customize Options

Customize - Commands

Customize - Keyboard

Customize - Menu

Customize - Toolbars

Customize - Mouse