Create an Optimization Chart

Note: The following procedure relates to generating a single chart displaying optimization workflow results. To learn more about displaying the results of batch runs to test sensitivity to variable changes, see Sensitivity Analysis.

Activity Steps

  1. Process strategic planning data to the appropriate stage using the Tasks pane or equivalent ribbon entries.

  2. If not already displayed, display the Charts window.

  3. Activate the Optimization ribbon.

  4. Select New Chart.

    The Select fields for chart screen displays.

  5. Choose your X axis data. By default, this is Pit and Phases.

  6. Provide a Chart name.

  7. Chart fields can be stored within or retrieved from a template.

    • To store the current chart field statuses and formatting in an external (.xml) file:

      1. Select Save template.

      2. Enter a File name.

      3. Click Save.

    • To retrieve field statuses and formatting stored in an external file:

      1. Select Load Template.

      2. Locate the .xml file containing the file statuses to restore.

      3. Click Open.

        Field statuses update to display settings stored in the file.

  8. To create a new chart item based on any available scheduling parameter:

    1. Click Custom Report Items.

      The custom fields options display.

    2. To add a new custom reporting item:

      1. Click Add.

      2. Click Rename and enter an appropriate reporting item name by typing over the original.

      3. Double click one or more of the available Parameters to transfer them to the Formula list.

      4. Edit the formula using standard operators and comparators. For example =Revenue-(Processing Cost+Mining Cost+Capital Costs)

        Note: Don't forget the leading "=" or the formula will be invalid. Invalid formulae are indicated by a red Formula group border and a disabled OK button.

    3. To delete an existing custom reporting item:

      1. Select the custom reporting item to delete.

      2. Click Delete.

        Warning: this operation cannot be undone.

    4. To return to the Select fields for reporting default screen, click OK.

  9. Select or deselect fields displayed in the Select fields for Y axes list. For example, to display data for rock mass by an ore type process, expand Rock Mass and By Ore Type/Process and select the items to report. These items are defined in your economic model destinations.

    Note: The chart preview window updates automatically as changes are made to field selections, as does the Y axes item table below (each selected field is represented by a row in this table).

  10. To format your chart series:

    1. Choose the Number of Y Axes you chart will display, up to 5 axes.

    2. To adjust chart formatting for each Y axis Field:

      1. Choose if data is incremental or cumulative:

        • Select Cumulative to accumulate totals for each X axis interval.

        • Unselect Cumulative to report each X axis interval with distinct non-accumulated values.

      2. Select the Chart Type. The default is a Line chart type.

      3. Select a Colour for the data series.

      4. If a Line Chart Type is selected, choose the Line Style.

      5. If your chart has multiple Y axes, choose the Axis to host the data.

      6. Choose an Axis Label. This is how your data series will appear in the chart legend.

  11. Preview your chart and, if it looks ok, create a new chart with OK.

    A new chart appears as a new tab along the bottom of the Reports window.

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