Compare Previous Scenarios

To compare the results of previous scenarios in chart format.

  1. Display the Reports window. See Hide or Show the Reports Window.
  2. Activate the Optimization ribbon.
  3. Select Reports >> Compare.

    The Reports panel updates to show the Comparison Report tools.

  4. Choose the Scenario Type. This will be either:

    • Schedules: outputs for each scenario where an optimised schedule has been successfully run will appear in the Scenarios table.

    • Pits and Phases: scenarios will be listed where the ultimate pithas been calculated.

    • Pushbacks: scenarios will be listed where pushbacks have been calculated.

    The Scenarios list updates to show only scenarios that contain output data relevant to the selected Scenario Type.

  5. Select 2 or more Scenarios to compare. Left-clicking will toggle a scenario on or off. A highlighted scenario will be considered when preparing chart data.

    Select Toggle All to compare all available scenario values.

  6. Select fields for comparison. Scenario output values will be compared in a multi-bar, multi-line or composite chart (line and bars mixed).

    1. Expand each value category (FinancialRock MassVolumes etc.) to reveal the values relevant to that category.

    2. Select one, two or three fields to report, e.g. Financial >> Revenue..

      Note: a maximum of 3 fields can be chosen. A separate Y axis will be displayed for each field.

    3. For each selected value, choose the Chart type.

      • To display the selected chart value for all selected scenarios as a histogram, choose Bars.

      • To display selected scenario values as a line chart, choose Lines.

  7. Select Compare chart to generate a chart.

    A chart displays representing the selected scenario value(s), using the format chosen for each. For example, the chart below shows a schedule comparison of revenue vs. profit for two planning scenarios. Two Y axes are used. Bars represent profit and lines represent revenues (this is indicated by the legend below):

  8. Highlight individual data point details by hovering over the chart, for example:

  9. To export chart data for use in other applications:

    • Right-click the chart and select Copy to Clipboard to store a bitmap of the chart on the Clipboard. This can be pasted into other documents/applications.

    • Right-click the chart and select Export to PNG to pick a folder location to save an image file.

  10. To delete a chart, right click the chart and select Delete.Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the previous screen.

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