Visualize Tasks

Visualizing your OES 3D data

Tasks Pane - Visualize


To access this panel:

  • Display the Tasks Pane, then select [Visualize] from the panel selection drop-down list

The Visualize panel is used to generate and display data associated with the optimization workflow.

Links to each of the key 3D data inputs and outputs are listed here. Links will be disabled if no data of that type yet exists in your project.

Viewable data is split into two categories; models and surfaces. This data may or may not already be loaded into a 3D window. If already loaded, it will be regenerated and reloaded.

Loaded 3D data will appear in the primary 3D display window along with a dedicated animation toolbar, and available as one or more object overlays in the Project Data control bar.

More about visualizing surfaces...

More about the Surface Animation Toolbar...


Model Visualization Options

Click an active link in the panel to display the following:

  • Imported: view the model as originally imported (and used as a basis for creating the economic model). More...
  • Economic: if an economic model has been generated, click to view it in the primary 3D window. More...
  • Optimized Pit: if a nested LG pit model has been generated, click to view it. More...
  • Optimized Pushbacks: if a pushback model has been generated, click to view it. More...
  • Optimized Schedule: if an OES has been generated, view the OES model here. More...
  • Optimized MAO/MFO: if a MAO or MFO model has been generated, click to view it.
  • Slope Regions: if Geological Risk Assessment has been performed, view the GRA slope region model here. More...

Surface Visualization Options

Click an active link in the panel to display the following:

  • Topography: view the default topography associated with the current plan.
  • Ultimate Pit: view the current ultimate pit surface data.
  • LG Phases: displays the Show Surface Options dialog, used to control the surfaces you wish to include in your loaded surface object.
  • Pushbacks: view generated pushback surfaces.
  • Scheduler Period Pits: view per-period surfaces.
  • FMS Period Pits: display per-period surfaces showing the results of Flexible Material Scheduler.
  • MFO Period Pits: display per-period surfaces showing the results of MFO or MAO.
  • Risk Rated Pits: display per-period surfaces showing the results of Geological Risk Assessment.
  • Other Surfaces: displays the Choose Surfaces to Display dialog.
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Tasks Pane OverviewVisualizing Surfaces   About 3D WindowsIndependent 3D Windows