Surface Roads Toolbar

An overview of commands

Surface Roads Toolbar

To access this toolbar:

Command Overview

The Create Surface Roads dialog is used to create roads on a reference topography, using a reference line and various parameters describing road profile and cut and fill batters.

After running the command, the Create Surface Roads dialog is displayed in a dockable control bar.

More about the Create Surface Roads dialog...


Surface Roads Toolbar

Along the top of the Create Surface Roads task panel there is a command toolbar containing access to road generation and topography update commands. These are convenient alternatives to the in-panel buttons below and typically represent a left-right workflow, although you can use them to generate interim data at any point.

These buttons control visibility of data displayed in the 3D or Road Elevation windows:

Show/hide topography shows or hides the unmodified topography (as shown in the Topography drop-down menu
Show/hide reference line If existing, toggles the visibility of the road reference line data for the current road.
More about surface road reference lines...
Show/hide road sections If existing, toggles the visibility of the road cross sectional profile data for the current road.
More about road parameters...
Show/hide road outlines Show or hide the boundary outline for the surface road.
Show/hide road surface Show or hide the surface data associated with the current road.
Show/hide cut batter strings If batters have been generated, this will hide or show the strings used to construct batter surfaces and solids associated with cut volumes. More about road batters...
Show/hide cut batter surfaces Shows and hides all cut volume batter surfaces, if they have been generated. More about road batters...
Show/hide cut batter solids Shows and hides all cut batter solids, if they have been generated. More about road batters...
Show/hide fill batter strings As above, but for fill batter data
Show/hide fill batter surfaces As above, but for fill batter data
Show/hide fill batter solids As above, but for fill batter data
Show/hide combined road/batter outline If roads and batters have been generated, this hides or shows the strings representing the combined road/batter shapes.
Show/hide updated topography If a topography has been updated, this will hide or show the modified topography.
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Create Surface RoadsSurface Roads reference linesSurface Road Gradient ConstraintsSurface Road Cut and Fill VolumesRoad Sections and ParametersSurface Road BattersUpdating the Topographycreate-surface-roads (command)