An overview of commands |
Surface Roads Toolbar
To access this toolbar:
This toolbar is a part of the Create Surface Roads dialog
Command Overview
The Create Surface Roads dialog is used to create roads on a reference topography, using a reference line and various parameters describing road profile and cut and fill batters.
After running the command, the Create Surface Roads dialog is displayed in a dockable control bar.
More about the Create Surface Roads dialog...
Surface Roads Toolbar
Along the top of the Create Surface Roads task panel there is a command toolbar containing access to road generation and topography update commands. These are convenient alternatives to the in-panel buttons below and typically represent a left-right workflow, although you can use them to generate interim data at any point.
These buttons control visibility of data displayed in the 3D or Road Elevation windows:
Show/hide topography | shows or hides the unmodified topography (as shown in the Topography drop-down menu | |
Show/hide reference line | If existing, toggles the visibility
of the road reference line data for the current road. More about surface road reference lines... |
Show/hide road sections | If existing, toggles the visibility
of the road cross sectional profile data for the current road. More about road parameters... |
Show/hide road outlines | Show or hide the boundary outline for the surface road. | |
Show/hide road surface | Show or hide the surface data associated with the current road. | |
Show/hide cut batter strings | If batters have been generated, this will hide or show the strings used to construct batter surfaces and solids associated with cut volumes. More about road batters... | |
Show/hide cut batter surfaces | Shows and hides all cut volume batter surfaces, if they have been generated. More about road batters... | |
Show/hide cut batter solids | Shows and hides all cut batter solids, if they have been generated. More about road batters... | |
Show/hide fill batter strings | As above, but for fill batter data | |
Show/hide fill batter surfaces | As above, but for fill batter data | |
Show/hide fill batter solids | As above, but for fill batter data | |
Show/hide combined road/batter outline | If roads and batters have been generated, this hides or shows the strings representing the combined road/batter shapes. | |
Show/hide updated topography | If a topography has been updated, this will hide or show the modified topography. |