Define Activities

Defining the scheduling activities

Define Activities

To access this dialog:

The Define Activities dialog is used to add, define and delete the different types of scheduling activities.

Activities can be of 2 types: processes or delays.  

  • Process Activities can be created for any tasks which are performed on a block in the mine. They require a rate field within the reserves file and a machine which is set to use that rate.

    Process activities can form one element of a multi-activity order.
  • Delays do not use a rate field, instead the user defines their length when adding to a machine’s schedule. These activities are standalone, and do no form part of a multi-activity order.

You can create any order of ‘process’ type activities. For example, a drilling-blasting-loading order can be enforced by setting up 3 independent activities and setting them in a non-parallel order. The ordering of activities is configured using the Activity Flow panel.

Activities (both types) are listed in the menu system on the left of the dialog, e.g.:

Selecting an activity will update the contents of the Activities panel.

You can add a new activity by right-clicking the Define icon and selecting Add.

You can remove an existing activity by right-clicking it and selecting Delete, although you can only do this if the activity is not already assigned to an activity flow. If the activity is already part of a flow, you will need to remove it from the order of activities first, before attempting to delete it.

When defining an activity, you should try to avoid assigning a Rate Unit that is in use in another activity, as this can cause reporting issues.


You can only edit an activity that isn't part of an existing activity flow. If you need to edit an activity within a flow, it must be removed from the flow(s) first.

Field Details:

Name: define a new or edit the existing activity name.

Activity Type: select either the Process (and optionally tick the Selective checkbox) or the Delay option.

Machine Type: select the Machine type to which the activity applies.

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These Machine Types are those defined using the Machines dialog.


Rate Units: select the data column defining the rate units for the activity (applies to Activity Type 'Process' only).

Minimum Lag: define the duration of the minimum time lag (hh:mm:ss) associated with the activity.

Apply: apply the changes and update your project data.

Revert: remove the most recent changes to the panel.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


Define Process Flows