Data Settings

Define data, load and save operational schedule settings

Data Settings

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Activate the Schedule ribbon and select Setup

  • In the Scheduling Setup dialog, select the Data Settings option

he Scheduling Setup dialog is used to load and save project settings, define the various scheduling data objects, set how fields are treated, and define bench settings.

Each tab on the left of the dialog displays a categorized set of tools used to define how your schedule will be calculated. What is initially displayed depends on how the dialog is opened.

The Data Settingspanel group is used to define which table data will be used to process a schedule and how data fields are interpreted within your schedule calculations (is an attribute a product? does it represent a block or an economic setting? And so on). This group also controls how data will be validated and containtools to export your settings for use within other projects/schedule configurations.

The following panels belong to the Data Settings group:

  • Select Data: selection of the tables to be used with scheduling, including Block Reserves, Dependency table, Mining Schedule and Mining Outlines settings and how outlines are used to extrude benches. More...

  • Field Treatments: define how attributes/fields within your reserves file, are interpreted during scheduling. More...

  • Options: specify how data validation is performed during scheduling. More...

  • Load / Save: create an XML backup of your current projects settings to enable settings migration between projects . Additionally, there are options relating to format and the default export location. More...