Data Settings - Field Treatments

Define how individual fields are treated in the schedule calculations

Data Settings - Field Treatments

To access this panel:

he Scheduling Setup dialog is used to load and save project settings, define the various scheduling data objects, set how fields are treated, and define bench settings.

Each tab on the left of the dialog displays a categorized set of tools used to define how your schedule will be calculated. What is initially displayed depends on how the dialog is opened.

TheField Treatments panel is used to define the way in which fields (data columns) are treated in calculations during scheduling.

Fields are gathered from the reserves file, which you have defined in the Select Data dialog (see above). They are presented as a list on the left of the panel. Selecting an attribute/field will update the contents of the panel to reflect that field's current settings.

You can also choose options for Abbreviation, Add block attribute and Is Product. An Abbreviation can be added to the value to the string which can then be used for display. Is Product is used by the Auto Scheduler as part of cost-based solving.


Field Details:

Fields: select a field (data column) name from the list before defining its Treatment settings.


Accumulated: select this option to accumulate the selected field values. Accumulated should be set for rate-type fields which are used by activities such as drilling or blasting.

Copied: select this option to treat the selected field as copied. Copied should be used for fields which are informational, such as identification.  

Weighted: select this option to weight the selected field by the field Weighted by.

Weighted by: select a field to use as a weighting for the selected field. Weighted by should be used for fields such as grades.  

Add block attribute: if selected, the selected attribute value will be copied from the Reserves table to the outlines object, this can then be used for annotation or legends as required.

This value will be updated by the Reserves object whilst selected; for example you may want to add a value but not update it so you can see a difference between an old value and a new value in the reserves table. In which case, you should select the option to add the attribute column then cancel it to prevent further updates.

Delete block attribute: remove a previously added attribute from the outlines file. This does not affect the reserves file.

Is Product: these options are used by Summit Scheduler by its default solving method to maximize profit. At least one Product must be specified for a solving project. Measures, Product Units and Price Units all relate to how the price value is applied whereas the table defines the value being applied.

Abbreviation: accept the default or define a custom abbreviation code (short description) for the selected field.

End Period table: this table signifies the last period in which the defined Price will be used, thus allowing for variable prices over time.


note.gif (1017 bytes)      
  • Field Treatment settings should be defined for all relevant scheduling fields (data columns).

  • As an example, grades are typically weighted, whereas tonnes and volume are accumulated. Generally, the dialog's default selection will be appropriate.

  • If you wish to report Tonnes, Volume, Metres or any other attribute that is used as the rate field for a Machine you must ensure that the settings in Field Treatment are set to Accumulated. If they are set to Weighted or Copied then the accumulated quantity will not be shown in the Crosstab report for Machines in DTS.

  • It is possible to enter a negative product price in the End Period table. One example of why this might be needed is to capture penalties associated with product impurities.


Accumulated, Copied or Weighted Field Treatment?

The field treatment defined for each of the listed fields determines how each field is to be used, or how each field can potentially be used, within the scheduling process. For example, fields can be used when defining the Rated Capacity for Machine Classes (e.g. material mass for loading, drill/blast meters for drilling and charging), when defining global or destination targets or constraints, as descriptive or qualitative attributes for mined material.

Mineral grade or material quality fields are typically treated as weighted (this is the default setting in Studio OP) e.g. gold grades stored in the field AU (units, g/t or %) would be weighted using the material mass field TONNES. Alternatively, they can be treated as accumulated e.g. gold content stored in the field AU_CONT (g). These can be used to define material constraints (minimum and maximum allowable values) for destinations. Both weighted and accumulated grade fields are stored in the schedule for both stockpiles and mining blocks.

Accumulated values (e.g. VOLUME, TONNES, drill metres, metal content) that are not used as a driving property when setting up machines, can also be used when defining a stockpile's supply and saving a stockpile model's current state. These values will also then be stored in the schedule and displayed in the Stockpiles control bar.

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About Data Settings

Data Settings: Select Data

Data Settings: Field Treatments

Data Settings: Options

Data Settings: Load / Save