Edit Default Values

Define how totalled fields are displayed

Edit Default Values

Accessing this panel:

This screen is used to setup default values for a block model. Default values will be used when no block model is found. These will be used when one activity is fully or partially located “outside” the block model.

You can set default values for any previously defined property.

For example, when a design is being evaluated, it is often useful to evaluate against a dummy set of figures; when a fixed cross sectional is being applied along a design string, say, at a fixed interval, the resulting volume created between strings will honor the default density. You can commit the density values on this screen to the dummy evaluation table, if required.

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The importance of adding different densities to the project is realized during interrogation of the design against a block model.  When interrogating against a block model, Studio UG will use the block model’s densities to calculate tonnages. However, if a piece of development lies outside the block model, it will get a density of 0.  Therefore, you can set the default project density that will be used in such instances.  Furthermore, you can add more densities that can be set aside for different kinds of design.


In Studio UG, default values are grouped into sets. You define a set, then the properties and corresponding default values for those properties.

Click OK or Apply to update the default value sets associated with the current project.

The Edit Default Values Panel

The Edit Default Values panel is split into the following areas:

  1. Default Values List: this list shows all previously-defined default value sets. Add new sets with the + button and delete existing ones with X.
  2. Properties Table: for the selected Default Value Set this table indicates the properties that set contains, and the corresponding default values.

Properties cannot be defined or added here; to define new properties, use the Edit Properties screen (you can display it at the same time as Edit Default Values).

Once you have selected or defined a value set, it will contain every user-defined property plus the Density property (required). You can adjust the default value of any property.

Importing and Exporting Data

You can import and export data on panels like this one using the following buttons:

Import XML data containing settings information for this task

Export the currently defined data

Data is stored in XML format and can be transferred to other UG projects and systems, for example.

Note: This screen includes table grids that support multiple row selection.

   openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


Project SettingsInterrogation Rules OverviewBlock Model Depletion Overview Edit Block ModelsEdit PropertiesBase Properties Summary