Base Properties

An overview of base properties

Base Properties

The values contained in the Properties panel table fields vary depending upon if a geological evaluation has been performed.

The definition of the values are:


Fixed Cross Sectionals


Complex Solids


Insitu Tonnes

Insitu Tonnes

Insitu Tonnes


Distance along defining centreline

Distance along defining centreline (only if Segment distance set >0)

Always set to 0


Cross Sectional Area of defining shape. Set to 0 for Shanty backs.

The 3D area of the perimeter.

Always set to 0


Metres * Density

For Shantybacks this will be recalculated at the end of the FXS wireframing to reflect the true 3D Volume of the solid created.

Area * Height

If Advanced Outlines are selected, after the Outline wireframing is complete, the true 3D Volume of the solids created is calculated.

After Walls and Points creation = 1000

After CXS Wireframing the true 3D Tonnage of the solids created is calculated.


Insitu Volume * Density

Insitu Volume * Density

Insitu Volume * Density


Default density from Design Definitions

Default density from Design Definitions

Default density from Design Definitions


Insitu Volume

Insitu Volume

Insitu Volume





Depleted Volume (Only included if selected)





Once the geological interrogation has been performed, the evalg table is created. This contains the results of the Geological Evaluation. The evald table is untouched and still retains the original values before the geological evaluation.

The fields in the evalg table take on a slightly different value. If no geological interrogation is performed, the evalg table will be identical to the evald table. The following diagram illustrates the most complicated Geological Interrogation scenario:


Assume that there is Depletion being performed. The Depleted Segment has been Interrogated and then depleted in previous loops of the geological interrogation. We shall now consider the Interrogation of the solid represented by the red outline. The above terms are defined as follows:

  • Model Volume:- Volume of geological block model contained within the Solid.
  • Depleted Volume:- Volume of previously depleted solids.
  • Void Volume:- Entire volume of solid being evaluated less the model volume and depleted volume - ie that volume that has no Block Model cells within it.

The definition of the values in the evalg table after the geological evaluation are therefore as follows:


All Design Types


As in evald


As in evald

Insitu Tonnes

(Model Volume * Model Density) + ((Depleted Volume + Void Volume) * Default Density)

Insitu Volume

Model Volume + Depleted Volume + Void Volume


Mined Tonnage / Mined Volume

Tonnage Factor


Grade Factor


Mined Tonnes

(Model Volume * Model Density) + (Void Volume * Default Density)

Mined Volume

Model Volume + Void Volume

Void Volume

Void Volume

Depleted Volume (Only included if selected by the user)

Depleted Volume

note.gif (1017 bytes)



The Default Density in the above table refers to the Density as applied in the Design Definitions to the different design types. The Model Density (as defined in the Edit Block Models screen) is always used in preference to the Default Density should it exist in the model.

Should Formulae be applied to any of these fields, the values will not be as above, they will instead take the value from the formula. This will only occur in the scheduler - thus the project database will always contain the above results.

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