Automatic Attributes by Filters

Using filter expressions to define automatic attributes

Edit Automatic Attributes By Filters

To access this dialog:

  • In the Attributes panel, choose the Filter Application Method and clicking inside the Automatic Attribute Settings column. Select the browse button.

This panel is used to define the filter expression (as created, using the Edit Filters panel, accessible using the button in the bottom-left corner) that will be used to determine the design data activities that will carry a specified value.

Using this panel, you can add one or more rules using system or user filters, and then enter a Value to be assigned to records that meet that filter criteria. You can only enter a value that matches the attribute type as the correct and normal validation is applied e.g. if the attribute is numeric then it won't accept alphanumeric characters and the appropriate character limit is applied for alphanumeric attributes.

Click "+" to add a new filter rule, then select a Filter, and enter a Value. Click OK to update the Attributes panel with new information.

At least one filter rule must be specified.

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  • Filter-based attributes are applied during processing.
  • When you create a new Attribute by Filter, there will be 1 row already added to the Attribute by Filter list. This row will have the Filter set to "<no filter>" and the Attribute Value set to "". This will be valid for alphanumeric Attributes, but invalid for numeric ones (where a numeric value is mandatory).
  • When using a numeric Attribute, attribute values are validated to make sure they are numeric. You can, however, enter "-" to signify absent value for the numeric value.


Other controls

  1. Add a preexisting filter rule.
  2. Insert a new filter rule above the selected item.
  3. Move the filter rule up in the list (this will be applied in preference to those above)
  4. Move the filter rule down in the list (this will be applied after those above)
  5. Remove the filter rule for attribution. Note that this will not delete the corresponding filter.
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Edit Attributes
Edit Filters