Edit Parent Cell Divisors
To access this screen:
During model evaluation, depending on the current resolution (cell size and density) of your input block model, it may be useful to subdivide cells at the evaluation boundary or boundaries to encourage a more accurate result.
The Edit Parent Cell Divisors screen lets you define the maximum number of subdivisions in the X and Y axis of the model. It isn't possible to set a divisor in the Z direction.
A higher number of subdivisions tends towards a more accurate evaluation boundary at the possible sacrifice of processing speed. By default, a subdivision of 3 is set for X and Y axes, so for example, a cell width (XINC) of 5 could be subdivided up to 3 times, permitting a subcell with a minimum of length in X of 1.6666.
To define parent cell divisors for model evaluation:
On the Settings screen, define an Interrogation rule where Step is set to Deplete.
Define the Block Model used for evaluation.
Define the Filter to isolate data for evaluation.
Click into the Parent Cell Divisor cell and select the browse button (...).
The Edit Parent Cell Divisors screen displays.
Review the regular cells size for the model in X, Y and Z direction (these values cannot be edited).
For the X and Y direction, enter a Divisor, where 1 means "don't subdivide".
Review the Minimum subcell length values for the X and Y directions. Again, this is always the parent cell size divided by the Divisor, so can't be edited.
Choose the Precise Filling Plane.
This is the orientation (XY, XZ or YZ) of plane in which sub cell splitting is performed, with the following options:
XY— subcell splitting is regular in the XY (horizontal) plane, but variable in the Z direction; this option is typically used for DTMs or solids which have a low dip.
XZ— subcell splitting is regular in the XZ (west-east) plane, but variable in Y; this option is typically used for DTMs or solids which have a moderate to steep dip and are striking approximately west-east.
YZ— subcell splitting is regular in the YZ (north-south) plane, but variable in X; this option is typically used for DTMs or solids which have a moderate to steep dip and are striking approximately north-south.
Click OK to transfer the subdivision information back to the settings panel.
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