Generating Variograms

Supervisor can run variography in various spatial orientations (2D and 3D). It provides interactive graphical tools for analysing, interpreting and modelling the parameters applicable to kriging interpolation or conditional simulation. In Supervisor, there are two major stages of creating a variogram.

  1. Directional Continuity Analysis – Analyse a series of variogram fans to determine the direction of greatest continuity, then use the selected strike, dip and plunge directions to locate the three directions for which experimental variogram models are constructed.
  2. Variogram Modelling – Use the directions determined in directional continuity analysis to fit mathematical models to the data.

Note: If you already know the strike, dip and plunge directions of your deposit, or these measurements are not applicable (for example, if your deposit is omnidirectional) the directional continuity analysis stage can be skipped. See Insert a Standalone Variogram.