Preview Despatch Order Revenue Invoice Line Items

See Despatch Order Snapshots for more information.

Security Note: Assuming you can view the despatch order, no specific security right is required for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Despatch Order.

    Note: You can also preview invoice line items via the Despatch Orders node of the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.

  2. Select the Assay Values Snapshot tab.
  3. Select the Invoice Type if required.
  4. Select the Revenue tab.
  5. Select the Preview tab.

    The table displays a preview of the invoice line items that would be calculated if a sales or purchase invoice were created for the despatch order.

    Note: Dynamic invoice line items are included, but only from last final invoices. Dynamic invoice line items display as separate line items and affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot. Optional charges in sales and purchase invoices are included, but only from last final invoices. An invoice may also include overrides, which are not included in snapshot invoice previews. However, overrides do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot.

  6. To view the calculation log for an invoice line item that involves a currency conversion:
    1. Right-click the invoice line item and select Show Log from the menu.

      The Invoice Log displays the invoice line item log in HTML format.

      On the Report tab, the appropriate Template is preselected. Default: A specific template if available. Otherwise, GenericInvoiceLineItem.xslt, assuming it is available in the InvoiceReportTemplatePath specified in the MineMarket Service Config screen.

    2. To view the XML-formatted log file, select the Log Data tab.