View Despatch Order Snapshot Costs

See Despatch Order Snapshots for more information.

This activity is only applicable if Calculate Costs is checked in snapshot settings. See Specify Snapshot Settings.

Security Note: Assuming you can view the despatch order, no specific security right is required for this activity. However, to edit the Include In P&L field, you need the Allow the user to maintain despatch orders security right in the Contracts domain security rights group.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Despatch Order.

    Note: You can also preview snapshot costs via the Despatch Orders node of the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.

  2. Select the Assay Values Snapshot tab.
  3. Set the Invoice Type to None. The default snapshot is the only snapshot that displays data for costs and for profit and loss.
  4. Select the Archive Date for which to view data from a copied snapshot if required.

    Only applicable if Create Copy Of Snapshots is checked in snapshot settings.

    To view the most recent snapshot for the selected Invoice Type, clear the Archive Date.

  5. Select the Costs tab.

    The Services table displays the details of the costs associated with the despatch order. Each cost represents a possible invoice (for example, service, freight, demurrage) for the despatch order.

    • Organisation
    • Activity—The name of the activity from the contract rate; or Freight Commission or Demurrage/Despatch as applicable.
    • Total Before Tax
    • Total Tax Value
    • Due Amount—Takes into account any invoices that have already been created. For example, a due amount for freight was USD 850,000. After a provisional invoice is created for 90% payable (that is, for USD 765,000), the due amount is USD 85,000.
    • Original Total
    • Currency
    • Total
    • Full Amount—Only applicable to budgeted costs. The full amount of the budgeted cost even if there is a matching cost or service charge. See Costs and Service Charges.
    • Due Date—For a demurrage/despatch invoice, calculated based on the payment issue date terms for which the Reference Document is Demurrage/Despatch.
    • Contract
    • Contract Rate—Not applicable to demurrage/despatch conditions configured in a sales or purchase contract.
    • Origin—Origin of the freight contract rate or demurrage/despatch condition, or location of the service contract rate, if applicable.
    • Destination—Destination of the freight contract rate or demurrage/despatch condition, if applicable.
    • Despatch—Only applicable to costs attributable to a despatch.
    • Reference Date—Not applicable to demurrage/despatch conditions configured in a sales or purchase contract, or to freight commissions.
    • Cost Type—Type of cost calculation in the snapshot:
      • Budgeted—Based on the required or actual quantity, using a budgeted cost
      • Estimated—Based on the actual quantity, using a cost or service charge
      • Balance—Based on the quantity balance, which is the minimum required quantity minus the actual quantity

      Cost balances are not applicable to fulfilled despatch orders.

      Budgeted costs are considered until they are replaced with a matching cost or service charge in the applicable set of contract terms, on the despatch order, or on the despatch.

    • Rate Source—Location of the cost configuration. Possible sources are Despatch, Despatch Order, Despatch Order Override, Mark To Market, Quota, Contract Product and Contract.
    • Include In P&L—Whether the cost is included in trade profit and loss (P&L). Editable if the trade P&L has not been included in a Profit and Loss report. For historical snapshots, editable if its date is later than the most recent Profit and Loss report that includes a trade P&L that uses this snapshot.

      For example, a Profit and Loss report for 30 June is the latest report that includes a certain trade P&L. Include In P&L is editable only for related snapshots later than 30 June.

      If Include In P&L is edited for an historical snapshot, the change also affects all later historical snapshots and the default (flash) snapshot.

      Note: Invoiced costs are always included in trade P&L, even if Include In P&L is unchecked. Include In P&L is hidden if the despatch order does not have an assigned set of mark-to-market terms. See Assign a Set of Mark-To-Market Terms to a Despatch Order.

    • Error Message
  6. To view a preview of invoice line items:
    1. Select the cost in the Services table.

      The Preview tab displays the invoice line items, as calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service.

      Note: Dynamic invoice line items are included, but only from last final invoices. Dynamic invoice line items do not display as separate line items, but do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot. An invoice may also include overrides, which are not included in snapshot invoice previews. However, overrides do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot.

      The Duration is:

      • For finance rates, the number of days of the loan duration, which is the difference between the Actual Payment Date (or the Estimated Payment Date if the actual date is not available) and the Start Date of the finance contract.
      • For costs, budgeted costs, freight and service rates, the specified Duration.
      • Only applicable to:
        • Service charges based on a finance contract
        • Line items related to costs or budgeted costs
        • Freight or service rates with a Rate Detail Basis of Time, Time And Dry Mass, Time And Gross Mass or Time And Wet Mass
    2. To view the calculation log for a demurrage/despatch invoice line item:
      1. Right-click the invoice line item and select Show Log from the menu.

        The Invoice Log displays the invoice line item log in HTML format.

        On the Report tab, the appropriate Template is preselected. Default: A specific template if available. Otherwise, GenericInvoiceLineItem.xslt, assuming it is available in the InvoiceReportTemplatePath specified in the MineMarket Service Config screen.

      2. To view the XML-formatted log file, select the Log Data tab.

        The XML calculation log includes whether each value used in the calculation is from an estimated value, and whether the final value is estimated.

    3. To view the calculation log for an invoice line item that involves a currency conversion:
      1. Right-click the invoice line item and select Show Log from the menu.

        The Invoice Log displays the invoice line item log in HTML format.

      2. To view the XML-formatted log file, select the Log Data tab.