Reconcilor enables mine operators to reconcile their reserve estimates and predicted versus actual production from geological model to commodity production. Reconcilor delivers rigorous and systematic analyses of resource factors across the mine value chain that drive continuous improvement to obtain better geological and grade estimates, more accurate mining predictions, improved recoveries, maximisation of the resource, and reduction in risk due to unexpected metal loss. Used by managers, geologists, metallurgists, and engineers, this comprehensive solution includes geological model reconciliation, built-in data validation, intuitive analysis features, and comprehensive reporting. By automating data imports and validation, Reconcilor enables early detection of data issues, supports informed decision-making, and ultimately helps to lower costs and increase profitability.

Latest Documentation

Reconcilor Help (9.9) Cumulative Release Notes 9.8+ (PDF)

Earlier Release Notes

9.7.1 (PDF) 9.6.1 (PDF) 9.6.0 (PDF) 9.5.10 (PDF) 9.5.9 (PDF) 9.5.8 (PDF) 9.5.7 (PDF) 9.5.5 (PDF) 9.5.4 (PDF) 9.5.3 (PDF) 9.5.2 (PDF) 9.5.0 (PDF) 9.4.4 (PDF) 9.4.3 (PDF) 9.4.2 (PDF) 9.4.1 (PDF) 9.3.6 (PDF) 9.3.4 (PDF) 9.3.0 (PDF) 9.1.0 (PDF)