Select Spider Graph KPIs

To access this screen:

  • With a Sensitivity scenario selected in the Project Map control bar, activate the Optimization ribbon and select Charts >> New Chart.

This screen is displayed when generating one or more spider graphs to represent the results of Sensitivity Analysis. It displays the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your scenario that can be represented as independent spider graphs.

By default, the following KPIs can be represented. Each selection will cause a new dedicated spider graph to be created:

  • NPV: Generate a spider graph showing the influence of variable sensitivity on the net present value of a deposit. The NPV of a deposit is defined as a sum of time discounted revenues from blocks mined less similarly discounted mining and processing costs.

  • Profit: Show how variable changes influence the profitability of operations. An optimal extraction sequence (OES) will generate the maximum profit over the schedule timeframe whilst still honouring operational, financial targets and geophysical constraints.

  • Revenue: A graph showing how variable changes affect the revenue of operations for the case study. Will your changes to variables, for example, provide a better or worse configuration for maximizing revenue?

  • Processing Cost: See how variable changes affect the cost elements of your strategic plan. For example, does changing the sinking rate influence processing cost adversely or positively?

  • Mining Cost: Similarly, see how variable changes influence the expense of extraction.

  • Total Ore: How do value changes influence the total amount of ore extracted per period or over the life of mine?

If you have defined any custom reporting variables. they also appear and can be selected for independent charting.

Select one or more options and click OK to generate report data. You can subsequent view these reports using the Optimization ribbon's Show >> Reports command.

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