Stockpile Model Settings

Define stockpile model settings

Stockpile Model Settings

To access this dialog:

  • In the Scheduling Setupdialog, select or add a stockpile destination type and enable the Model tab.

The StockpileModel panel is used to optionally define stockpile model, build and reclaim sequence, initial state, swell and haulage parameters. It represents some of the settings defined for a stockpile destination type.

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In order to make use of this feature, a designed-evaluated-sequenced stockpile model is needed. More about stockpile modelling...


Field Details:

Enable Model: tick this checkbox to use a stockpile model.

Model Definition: select a stockpile definition table from the dropdown.

Model Wireframe: select the stockpile wireframe model object from the dropdown.

Model Outlines: select the stockpile outlines (strings) object from the dropdown.

Build Sequence: select a build sequence type from the dropdown; default 'From Start Block'; this defines how the stockpile model is filled:

    • 'From Start Block' - the sequence number is started from the beginning each time and gives the effect of backfilling what has been taken; this could be required if scheduling a multi-lift stockpile,
    • 'From Current Block' - the sequence number does not start at 1 each time, instead it starts from the block last built/reclaimed and going to the next in order.  This can be used where race track style stockpiles are needed so that the supply/reclaim is moving forward rather than circling back to the start each time some material is sent/taken.

Reclaim Sequence: select a reclaim sequence type from the dropdown; default 'From Start Block'; this defines how the stockpile model is emptied:

    • 'From Start Block' - the sequence number is started from the beginning each time and gives the effect of backfilling what has been taken; this could be required if scheduling a multi-lift stockpile,
    • 'From Current Block' - the sequence number does not start at 1 each time, instead it starts from the block last built/reclaimed and going to the next in order.  This can be used where race track style stockpiles are needed so that the supply/reclaim is moving forward rather than circling back to the start each time some material is sent/taken.

Initial State: select an initial stockpile state table file (.dm) from the dropdown; default 'blank'. Use this option to define which blocks are filled (and how much material they contain) at the start of the schedule without observing the building sequence. This option is available if the Save Current State button was previously used to create an initial state file.

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The initial dump state table contains the following fields:

DUMPBLID - unique stockpile block identifier number

TONNES - material mass of the stockpile block in Tonnes

DENSITY - matrial density

CAPACITY - stockpile block volume capacity (m3)

FIELDn - custom grade and attribute field(s) e.g. AU (gold grade), AUREC (recovery), TPH (loading rate in tonnes per hour)

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When an initial state table is loaded, the import routinechecks the volumes (CAPACITY field in the initial state table) against the current stockpile capacities and issues a warning capacities will be exceeded.   


Swell Factor: define a stockpile material swell factor (>= 1); default '1'. This factor is used to model the difference between Bank cubic meter and Loose cubic meter due to the fact that as a mining block is blasted its volume swells but the tonnage stays the same.

Haul Factor: define a haul factor (> 0); default '1'.

Rolling Resistance (%): define a haul truck rolling resistance for the stockpile surface (>= 0); default '0'.

Maximum Speed (km/h): define a haul truck maximum speed for the stockpile; default '45'.

Road Tolerance (m): define a road tolerance distance for the stockpile (>= 0); default '100'.

Save Current State: click this to create an initial state file (dumpblid, tonnes, density, grades) which is populated with the current stockpile totals (in the period which is active). This file can then be used to transfer the stockpile state to subsequent (newer) schedules.

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Accumulated values (e.g. VOLUME, TONNES, drill metres, metal content) that are not used as a driving property when setting up machines, can also be used when defining a stockpile's supply and saving a stockpile model's current state. For more information on how accumulated field values are defined and used, please click here.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


About DestinationsGeneral SettingsProcessing Capacity LimitsDestination ConstraintsDestination Processing Costs   Stockpile SettingsStockpile Supply Settings