About Constraints

Viewing and defining global and destination constraints

About Constraints

Constraints are used to control how your schedule solution is found.

Constraints can be any combination of:

  • Standard targets: grade/quality scheduling targets. These can rely on predefined filter expressions.
  • Advanced targets: similar to the above, but apply to all destinations
  • Dependencies: these non-negotiable restrictions are used to control loader movement throughout your schedule.

Standard & Advanced Targets

Similar to standard grade/quality targets for destinations, advanced targets can create targets across multiple destinations including ratios, for example, total pit excavation vs. reclaim amounts. Within advanced targets grade values are considered as metal tonnages so to achieve the same target as a standard destination grade target within global it must be a ratio where the grade is divided by the weighted field. For example:

  • Standard Target AU,
  • Advanced Target AU/Tonnes  

    ...will both give the same result.

Targets are output to the Targets control bar for both global and destinations where the values in the schedule are calculated for the period(s).


More Information

Press <F1> in any screen to show context-sensitive help, or use the Table of Contents on the left to refer to a particular topic.

Alternatively, select a link below:

  •  Grade/Quality Targets settings: define grade/quality mass targets for a destination. More...
  • Global Mass Targets settings: create targets across multiple destinations. More...
  • Constraint Filters settings: define filters to be used in destination target specification. More...
  • Loader Dependencies settings: define node coordinates; select and save node objects. More...
  • Active Benches settings: constrain scheduling to a maximum number of benches in a push back. More...