Check Haulage

Check the haulage calculation for the selected mining block

Check Haulage

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Activate the Schedule ribbon and select Validate | Haulage.

The Check Haulage dialog is used to calculate the cycle times and summary truck times for a selected Block, using the associated haulage route and equipment parameters.

This allows you to check a route between a selected block or if no selection has been made, between a stockpile, and a destination of your choice following the available roads within the project.

This function provides verification that a route is feasible and is taking the expected amount of time.

Field Details:

Bench Haul: this group contains the bench haul parameters.

Bench Exit ID: select a suitable Bench Exit ID value from the list.

Distance: distance from Block to Bench Exit node.

Cycle Time Loaded: loaded truck cycle time (mins).

Cycle Time Empty: empty truck cycle time (mins).

Ramp Haul: this group contains the ramp haul parameters.

Sector ID: select a suitable Sector name from the list.

Cycle Time Loaded: loaded truck cycle time (mins).

Cycle Time Empty: empty truck cycle time (mins).

Surface Haul: this group contains the surface haul parameters.

Sector ID: select a suitable Sector name from the list.

Cycle Time Loaded: loaded truck cycle time (mins).

Cycle Time Empty: empty truck cycle time (mins).

Dump Haul: this group contains the dump haul parameters.

Sector ID: select a suitable Sector name from the list.

Initial + Incremental Time: time (mins).

Cycle Time Loaded: loaded truck cycle time (mins).

Cycle Time Empty: empty truck cycle time (mins).

Block: this group contains the mining block parameters.

ID: selected mining block's ID.

Category: select a material category from the list.

Tonnes: block category tonnes.

X: block X coordinate.

Y: block Y coordinate.

Z: block Z coordinate.

Equipment: this group contains the equipment parameters.

Truck: select a suitable truck class from the list.

Loader: select a suitable loader class from the list.

Summary: this group contains the summary time and trip information.

Queuing (mins): calculated total queuing time (mins).

Loading (mins): calculated total loading time (mins).

Dumping (mins): calculated total dumping time (mins).

Trip Time (mins): calculated trip time (mins).

Number of Trips: calculated number of trips required to haul the entire block category from source to destination.

Total truck Hours: total truck time (hours) for the selected block .

Update Log: click this button to save the current haulage calculation details to the file ISTS_CheckHaulage.csv.

Cancel: click this button to clear the file ISTS_CheckHaulage.csv.


Bench to Destination or Stockpile to Destination Haulage Check?

When a block(s) is selected, bench to destination calculations are available and when no blocks are selected stockpile to destination calculations are available.


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There are no checks on what routes are available and it is up to the user to select routes that make sense.


Formatting the Table Grid

  • Right-click on the table grid and select Grid Format.

  • In the Grid Format dialog, define the required settings.

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The following context menu options are available when the menu is displayed by right-clicking in the grid:

Field Details:

Columns: select a column to report by unique column values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Rows: select a row to report by unique row values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Grid Format: display the Grid Format dialog (see above).

Copy to Clipboard: copy the contents of the displayed grid to the clipboard.

Hide Empty Categories: this pane lists the available table grid columns.



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