Show/Hide Reserves Bar

Display a summary of the reserves for a selected mining block

Show/Hide Reserves Bar

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Once operational settings have been defined, select the Home ribbon,  and Schedule Bars | Reserves

The Reserves control bar is used to display the summary reserves table, i.e Tonnes, volumes and grades values by Category, for the selected mining block(s).

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  • Mining Blocks are selected in the Design window by clicking on the string or by clicking within a closed string. Multiple Blocks can be selected by holding down the <Ctrl> key while selecting Blocks.

  • Only Categories with non zero Tonnes are displayed in the grid.

Formatting the Table Grid

  • Right-click on the table grid and select Grid Format.

  • In the Grid Format dialog, define the required settings.

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The following context menu options are available when the menu is displayed by right-clicking in the grid:

Field Details:

Columns: select a column to report by unique column values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Rows: select a row to report by unique row values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Grid Format: display the Grid Format dialog (see above).

Copy to Clipboard: copy the contents of the displayed grid to the clipboard.

Hide Empty Categories: this pane lists the available table grid columns.

Save Current State: export the current reserves state to a Reserves table.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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