Show/Hide Schedule Bar

Display a summary of the targets for each destination, showing if they have been met

Show/Hide Schedule Bar

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Once operational settings have been defined, select the Home ribbon,  andSchedule Bars | Schedule

The Schedule control bar is used to display the summary schedule table by Destination for the selected Period. The table includes Tonnes, volume, grades, destination, loader and machine information.

Viewing Schedules for other Periods

Formatting the Table Grid

  • Right-click on the table grid and select Grid Format.

  • In the Grid Format dialog, define the required settings.

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The following context menu options are available when the menu is displayed by right-click in the grid:

Field Details:

Columns: select a column to report by unique column values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Rows: select a row to report by unique row values for the selected period; select [Fields in Table] to reset the columns to default view.

Grid Format: display the Grid Format dialog (see above).

Copy to Clipboard: copy the contents of the displayed grid to the clipboard.

Hide Empty Categories: this pane lists the available table grid columns.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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