Select Object

Selecting a Haul Route nodes object

Select Object

To access this dialog:

  • In the Haul Routes dialog, click .

The Select Object dialog is used to select a nodes object for use in defining Bench Exits, Pit Exits, Intersections, Destinations, or Dump Points.


Field Details:

Object: select a nodes points object from the dropdown list.

OK: click this button to load the selected object.

Cancel: click this button to close the dialog without loading an object.


Node Points

If the field NodeId or ExitId exists in the points file then this will be used to define the NodeID in the Nodes object. Currently the Pushback Number is not stored in the points file and cannot be imported directly. If nodes already exists in the current Nodes object, on importing a points file a warning will be given that these points will be over written.


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Haul Route Bench Exits
Haul Route Pit Exits

Haul Route Intersections

Haul Route Destinations

Haul Route Dump Points