Haul Routes: Dump Points

Define haul route dump node parameters

Dump Points

To access these functions:

  • Using the Scheduling Setupdialog, select the Haul Routes icon on the left. Select the Dump Points tab.

The Dump Points tab is used to define dump node coordinates; select and save node objects. It is part of a collection of settings used to define haul routes.

Destination or Dump Point?

In certain cases such as dumps and stockpiles, there will be a Dump Point in addition to a Destination. In these cases, the Dump or Stockpile entry point should be entered as the Destination and additional Dump Points added for the tipping locations within the dump or stockpile areas. The list of displayed Node ID names is automatically generated from the destinations which were defined under Managing Destinations and additionally defined as either Stockpiles or Dumps.


Adding Dump Coordinates

  1. In the Haul Routes dialog's Dump Points tab,

  2. In the Dump Points grid, define the coordinate parameters for the corresponding Node ID.

Using Existing Dump Points

  1. Click Select Object in the Destinations  tab,

  2. In the Select Object dialog, select the required node points file.

See here for more information on using node point files.

Field Details:

Select Object: click this button to select a loaded nodes points file.

Save: click this button to save the nodes.

Dump Points grid

Node ID: unique Pit Exit node identifier.

X Coord: Intersection node X coordinate.

Y Coord: Intersection node Y coordinate.

Z Coord: Intersection node Z coordinate.

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