Unfold Wizard: Define Sections Tab

Describing fields and properties

Unfold Wizard: Define Sections Tab

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Structure ribbon and click Unfold . Select the Define Sections tab.

Field Details:

User Files and Current Section: allows you to load the wireframe and samples files that are processed by the Unfold Wizard, and specify a parameters file. The orientation of the view in the 3D window can also be defined.

Wireframe: select the wireframe file that is used to create the wireframe hull. This allows a string to be digitized that corresponds to the strike of the orebody. The associated points file is automatically loaded, and shown in the Points box.

Points: the points file associated with the wireframe file that you select in the Wireframe box.

Samples: select the samples file that is processed by the Unfold Wizard.

Optional Output Parameter File: define the name of the parameter file by typing it in the box, or selecting a file using the Browse button. The values that you set in the Unfold Wizard are automatically added to the parameter file. This file is used to update the fields in the Unfolding tab of the Estimate process by selecting it in the Files tab.

Current Section: the following options are providing for viewing the wireframe and associated files in the 3D window. The section that you select is used throughout the Unfold Wizard.

    • N-S: specify an angle of view from north to south.

    • S-N: specify an angle of view from south to north.

    • W-E: specify an angle of view from west to east.

    • E-W: specify an angle of view from east to west.

    • Plan: specify a plan view.

    • Current: specify a custom view.

Reset: deletes all files created by the Unfold Wizard, and removes them from the project.

Apply: applies the settings specified in this group, and allows you to proceed to the Strike String group. The wireframe hull string (STR01_HULL) is added to the project.

Strike String: allows you to create a string in the 3D window to show the strike of the orebody, and save it.

Digitize Strike String: create a string in the 3D window that follows the strike of the orebody. The strike string must extend beyond each end of the wireframe hull to ensure that all samples within the orebody are unfolded.

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The strike string is normally digitized in plan, with the sections being vertical. However, hangingwall and footwall interpretations can be in plan, in which case the strike string is digitized on a vertical section.

Save Strike String
: adds the file STR02_STRIKE to the project. This helps to define the location of the section strings relative to the strike string.

Section Strings: allows you to automatically create section strings to represent the folds in the orebody. These are added at regular intervals, defined by the value in the Target Interval box. A section string is also snapped to the first and last points of the strike string. Individual section strings can then be deleted, or their position adjusted, using the buttons provided. New section strings can also be added in the positions that you specify.

Target Interval: specify the interval at which section strings are created. A greater number of sections, recommended for more complex orebody shapes, is created by specifying a smaller target interval. The sections that are created are listed in theCreate Unfolding Stringstab,Sectionsgroup.

Create Section Strings: adds section strings at the specified intervals. Each section string is created perpendicular to the strike string, and in the same direction, so that the first point on each string is on the same side of the strike string. They are represented by a straight, three-point string; their end points are snapped to the hull, and their centre points are snapped to the strike string.

Rotate: rotate a specified section string around its centre point. Click a section string to select it and use the cursor to define the new orientation. When finished, click Donein the 3D window.

Move: drag a section string to a new location on the strike string. The string snaps to the hull and strike string, and remains perpendicular to the strike string. When satisfied with the new location, click Done in the 3D window.

Insert: add one or more section strings by clicking in the 3D window to define the end points. Each end point is snapped to the hull, and the associated centre point is snapped to the strike string. When finished, click Done.

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Section strings must not intersect each other. A warning dialog is shown if you attempt to save intersecting section strings.

Delete: delete section strings by clicking on them in the 3D window. When finished, click Done. Section strings can also be deleted by highlighting them and pressing the <Delete> key.

Save Section Strings: validates and saves thesection strings that you create, and adds the fileSTR03_SECTIONSto the project.

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A warning dialog is shown if a section string intersects another, or if a section string is located outside of the hull (with the exception of the first and last section strings).

Create Section Definitions
: allows you to define the sections, including the clipping interval used when viewing them, and the order in which they are displayed.

Clipping Interval: define the clipping interval used when viewing the sections in theHW and FWtab. The default value is half of the initial value shown in the ‘Target Interval’ box.

Reverse View: if selected, then the sections are shown in the opposite order when viewed by clicking the arrows in theHW and FWtab,Sectionsgroup.

Save Section Definitions: creates the section definitions file SEC04_DEFN. The orientation of the sections are defined, based on the section strings that you specify.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Create Unfolding Strings
Unfolding Samples
Validating Results
Files and Settings Dialog
Estimate Dialog - Unfolding
The Unfold process