Unfold Wizard: Unfold Tab

Describing fields and properties

Unfold Wizard: Unfold Tab

To access this dialog:

  1. Activate the Structure ribbon and click Unfold .

  2. In the Unfold Wizard dialog, select the Unfold tab.

Field Details:

Unfold Mode: allows you to specify select one of the following options:

  • Quads Only: if selected, then just the file STR10_QUADS (Quadrilateral strings) is created by the UNFOLD operation. This is used for verifying the unfolding strings. The only available option in this tab is the Unfold Samples button. After the Unfold operation has completed, the quads can be viewed in the World Coordinate System using the Validate tab.

  • Unfold Strings: if selected, then all options in the Parameters group can be set, and just the unfolding strings are unfolded for validation and illustration purposes. After the Unfold operation has completed, the Validate tab can be used to view the quads in the World Coordinate System, or the unfolded strings in the Unfolded Coordinate System. The following files are created:

    • STR10_QUADS: Quadrilateral strings.

    • STR11_HWFW_VALID: Unfolded HW and FW Strings.

  • Unfold Samples:if selected, then all options in this tab can be set, and the sample data specified in the Define Sections tab is unfolded. After the Unfold operation has completed, the Validate tab allows you to either view the quads and samples in the World Coordinate System, or view the unfolding strings and/or the successfully unfolded samples in the Unfolded Coordinate System. The following files are created:

    • STR10_QUADS: Quadrilateral strings.

    • samps1_u: Unfolded Samples in the World Coordinate System.

    • samps1_x: Samples in the World Coordinate System which are not unfolded.

    • samps1_up: Unfolded samples in point format.

Sample Coordinate Fields: if Unfold Samples is selected in the Unfold Mode group, then values must be set in the X, Y and Z dropdown lists. If suitable fields are found in the samples file, then these are selected automatically. Otherwise, these dropdown lists are left blank.

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Suitable coordinate fields:

  • X, Y ,Z
  • XP, YP, ZP
  • XC, YC, ZC.


X: the X coordinate field in the samples file.

Y: the Y coordinate field in the samples file.

Z: the Z coordinate field in the samples file.

Parameters: the following options can be set if either Unfold Strings or Unfold Samples is selected in the Unfold Mode group. These are a selection of the options provided on the Parameters tab of the Unfold process.

Link Mode - use tag strings: allows you to optionally specify whether the Within Section and Between Section tag strings that are created in the Create Unfolding Strings tab are used in the Unfold operation.

      • Yes: Within Section and Between Section tag strings are used in the Unfold operation.

      • No: Within Section and Between Section tag strings are not used in the Unfold operation.

Coordinate Type: the unfolded values produced by theUnfoldoperation can be scaled in the following ways to define the relative position of the associated unfolded data for each axis

    • Normalised (between 0 and 1): a normalised coordinate uses a value between '0' and '1' to represent a position on the applicable axis. This is the distance as a proportion of the total distance along the axis, as shown in the example below.
    • Adjusted (normalised * av. length): the normalised coordinate value multiplied by the average length of the applicable axis, based on data from all sections. This is shown in the example below.
    • True Length: the true length coordinate is the distance from the origin of the applicable axis in the Unfolded Coordinate System, measured in standard World Coordinate System units, as shown in the example below.
      • For UCSA, this provides a measure of width, or true width.
      • For UCSB, this is the distance along the dip-direction of the strata.
      • For UCSC, `adjusted' units are used by default. This is generally satisfactory as the UCSC coordinate should correspond to the direction of the fold axis.
    • World X / World Y / World Z Coordinate: the value on an axis in the Unfolded Coordinate System corresponds to one of the standard (X,Y,Z) axes in the World Coordinate System.

The above types of coordinates can be specified for each of the following axes in the Unfolded Coordinate System:

UCSA: the distance across strike (in the hangingwall-footwall direction, perpendicular to the orebody).

UCSB: the distance down-dip (along the centre line between hangingwall and footwall).

UCSC: the distance along strike.

Tolerance: by specifying a degree of tolerance in calculating the UCSA coordinate, samples which are just outside the hangingwall or footwall can be unfolded. The Tolerance value is defined as a proportion of the UCSA width. The default is (0).

UCSA Limit: if a Tolerance value of greater than ‘0’ is set, then one of the following conditions is applied to the UCSA value. These options are defined in terms of the Normalised mode.

      • 1: No restriction on UCSA: values can be less than ‘0’, or greater than ‘1’.

      • 2: UCSA <= 1: values calculated as greater than ‘1’ are reset to '1'.

      • 3: UCSA >= 0: values calculated as less than '0' are reset to '0'.

      • 4: UCSA >= 0 and UCSA <=1: values calculated as less than '0' are reset to '0', and values calculated as greater than '1' are reset to '1'.

UCSB Origin: allows you to specify the origin for the UCSB coordinate by selecting a Between Section string. The Between Section string with the highest elevation is selected by default. Appropriate strings can be selected in the UCSB Origin dropdown list, or defined in the 3D window by clicking Pick.

Pick: specify the origin for the UCSB coordinate by clicking a Between Section string in the 3D window, and clicking Done.

Run Unfold
: runs theUnfoldoperation using the values you set in theUnfold Wizard. A message is displayed to confirm that it ran successfully. Review the messages shown in theCommandcontrol bar. Depending on the option set in theUnfold Modegroup, a selection of the following files is created.

    • STR10_QUADS: Quadrilateral strings.

    • STR11_HWFW_VALID: Unfolded HW and FW Strings

    • samps1_u: Unfolded Samples in the World Coordinate System.

    • samps1_x: Samples in the World Coordinate System which are not unfolded.

    • samps1_up: Unfolded samples in point format.

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Defining Sections
Create Unfolding Strings
Validating Results
Files and Settings Dialog
Estimate Dialog - Unfolding
The Unfold process