Trimming the Design Strings

Trimming the pit design strings against the topography surface


In this part of the tutorial you are going to trim the design strings to topography using the pit-topography intersection string.



  • Created a new project and added all the required tutorial files i.e. the exercises on the Creating a New Project page.


Files required for the exercises on this page:

  • _vb_trc_pit240

  • _vb_trc_PitTopoInt

  • _vb_stopopt / _vb_stopotr

Link to Exercises

The following exercises are available on this page:

Exercise: Trimming the Design Strings

In this exercise you are going to trim the _vb_trc_pit240 design strings to lie below the topography surface using the _vb_trc_PitTopoInt pit-topography intersection string. This includes the following tasks:

  • Defining data and view settings

  • Generating the intersection

  • Trimming the design strings

  • Saving the trimmed design strings to a new Datamine file.

Defining Data and View Settings

  1. Select the Design window.

  2. Select the Project Files control bar, Wireframe Triangles folder.

  3. Select, drag-and-drop the following files into the Design window:

    • _vb_stopotr

  4. Select the Project Files control bar, Strings folder.

  5. Select, drag-and-drop the following files into the Design window:

    • _vb_trc_pit240

    • _vb_trc_PitTopoInt

  6. In the Sheets control bar, Design Overlays folder, select only the following overlays (i.e. display these overlays):

    • Default Grid

    • _vb_trc_PitTopoInt (strings)

    • _vb_trc_pit240 (strings)

    • _vb_stopotr/_vb_stopopt (wireframe).

  7. In the Sheets control bar, Design Overlays folder, right-click _vb_stopotr/_vb_stopopt (wireframe), select Format

  8. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, Overlay Format group, Style sub-tab, Display As group, check that Faces is selected, click OK.

  9. In the View Control toolbar, click Zoom All Data.

  10. In the View Control toolbar, click View Settings.

  11. In the View Settings dialog, define the Section Orientation and Mid-Point XYZ coordinate (6190, 5170, 100) and other parameters shown below, click OK:

  12. In the Design window, check that your view is as shown below:

Trimming the Design Strings

  1. In the Design window, select the red intersection string.

  2. Select Design | String Tools | Clip to Perimeter.

  3. Following the 'Select a point on the deletion side' prompt displayed in the left side of the Status Bar.

  4.  In the Design window, click anywhere outside the intersection string, click Cancel.

  5. Right-click and select Deselect All Strings (das).

  6. Check that the pit design strings have been trimmed to only lie inside the red intersection string, as shown below:


  7. Select Format | VR View | Update VR Objects (vro).

  8. In the VR window, rotate, zoom and pan the view and check that the pit design strings have been trimmed to lie only below the topography surface:

Saving the Trimmed Strings to a New Datamine File

  1. In the Loaded Data control bar, right-click on the _vb_trc_pit240 (strings) object, select Data | Save As.

  2. In the Save New 3D Object dialog, click Single Precision Datamine (.dm) File.
  3. In the Save New Strings dialog, select the path to you tutorial folder, define the File name: as '', click Save.

  4. In the Loaded Data control bar, check that the _vb_trc_pit240 (strings)  object has been replaced by trc_pit (strings).
  5. Select File | Save.

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