Imported Wireframes

Imported Wireframes typically represent underground cavities with non-uniform dimensions, such as stopes. These can be imported from 3rd party applications, or created with Mineable Shape Optimizer .

The wireframe file is added to your project by specifying it as a Wireframes design type in the Project Settings task.

An example of imported wireframes in a 3D window

After applying design definitions to the imported wireframe (Apply Design Definitions), processing includes creates a string along the Z axis of each solid, and a point is added to the centre to allow each independent wireframe to be sequenced.

Wireframe design types are not segmented; unique wireframe entities (according to the specified Group Identifier) can be assigned independent definitions. Each definition should include a default Density value, production constraint and mining rate in order to be scheduled. These definitions are set up using the Design Definitions screen.

Filtering and zooming using the Apply Design Definitions screen is particularly useful for the Wireframes design type; the Group Identifier field triggers the creation of special table rows for each unique value found in the input file; this allows the wireframe to be automatically filtered according to those values, making it easier to visualize the structure of the input file and be able to assign definitions to a subset of the input wireframe data set.

You can also group segments (of the same design definition) by setting a user-defined attribute. For example, you may want to generate a single backfill activity for a group of adjacent stopes, or even all stopes from a level or, in the shorter term, group wireframe solids that represent each ring in order to create activities executed for multiple rings, for example blast and backfill.

The Design Definitions (WFM) screen manages WFM segment grouping using a Grouping, Sorting Attribute and Sort Direction definition (which equates to a mining direction).

To define a new imported wireframe (WFM) design definition:

  1. If you intend to use a grouping attribute to

  2. Display the Apply Design Definitions panel.
  3. Select Edit Design Definitions.
  4. Activate the WFM tab.
  5. To create a new definition, you can either click the "+" in the top right of the panel, or extract a definition from an existing file using the Generate option. Whichever method is used, the Name field is editable up to 36 characters in length.
  6. Set a Name for the design definition - this must be unique amongst the table of definitions.
  7. Add a Description for the definition - this should describe the context in which the definition would be applied. This is the description that will appear in the UG Planning Report alongside the corresponding activities to which the definition has been used to create.
  8. Set the values for your previously-defined matching attributes. The combination of  values for all columns under Match By must be unique for each definition.
  9. To group segments according to a particular project attribute (say, by LEVEL or STOPEID) expand the Grouping list to pick a user-defined attribute. See Edit Attributes. Then;
    1. Choose the Sorting Attribute. This is an attribute that controls how segments are ordered for processing.
    2. Choose how the numeric values of the Sorting Attribute are ordered, essentially imparting a mining direction, using the Sort Direction. This can either be Ascending or Descending.

    Note: If WFM definitions are grouped, this grouping is reflected in the definitions table. See Apply Design Definitions.

  10. Select your default value set from the Default Values column. This will contain, for example, the default DENSITY value for the selected design item.
  11. Define the Default Rate. This is the rate at which the complex solid will be mined. In the case of complex solids, you will need to specify a quantity, unit and time period in which the specified quantity is extracted.
  12. Under Default Constraint you must also define whether a particular outline design type is to be mined:
    • As soon as possible
    • As late as possible
  13. Choose a Default Dependency Method. By default, activities will Start after latest predecessor, meaning they will continue from the most recently available (and appropriate) activity. You can choose Start after earliest predecessor instead, meaning the activity will start as soon as the first activity link reaches it.

    Note: Default dependency method values can, depending on your EPS transfer options, be exported to an EPS schedule, and will be reflected in any dependency animations you run. See Transfer Data to EPS and Animating your Schedule.

  14. The Exclude column is used to define sections of the design which will be excluded from the connection. This can be useful if there are construction lines within the design or when sections of the design have been mined.
  15. Once all entities (that you wish to use in your project) have been fully defined, you can apply them to your project's design strings. Click OK to dismiss the Design Definitions panel and return to the Apply Design Definitions panel.
  16. The list of all defined, imported and generated definitions appears under the WFM tab.
  17. To apply your definition(s) to your design data, you first need to load the corresponding design type data into memory; click Load Designs.

    This loads all data that has been defined in Project Settings as the WFM type. If data is already loaded, this option is unavailable.

  18. Apply your WFM definition to loaded (and visible) wireframe data using the tools available. See Apply Design Definitions.

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