Group Data

Data grouping creates a hierarchically ordered tree of Data Components. Data grouping is set up in the Data Grouping window of the , which is pre-filled with some common data grouping scenarios.

See Data Grouping Methods and Example: Group Data.

Note: You can group data after loading. In the Loader tab, click Delete Child Nodes then the Group to group loaded data.

Data can be grouped categorically, into domains, or numerically, creating domains based on numeric values.

To group categorical data:

  1. Load Data or navigate to the Data Loader Window of the Data Component.
  2. In the Configure the Loader Tab, select a Name from Assay/Domain, Domain/Assay, Assay and Domain.


    If you are loading two or more domains make sure you group the correct domain.

    You can group on more than one domain. Add another grouping column in the grouping table.

  3. If required, group on a subset of columns by adding a Grouping Column in the Data Grouping Table.
  4. Click Group.

    The data displays in the new groups in the Project Tree.

To group numerical data:

  1. Load data or navigate to the Data Loader Window of the Data Component.
  2. In the Loader tab, select Domain from the Name field.
  3. Fill in the Data Grouping table at the bottom of the Main Canvas.

    Note: See Data Grouping Table for more information about using the table to group data.