Haul Trucks: General tab

Define general haul truck settings

Haul Trucks: General tab

To access this panel:

  • Activate the Schedule ribbon and select Setup. Select any haul truck item on the left.

  • In the Update Schedule dialog, enable the Haul Trucks option and click the browse button.

The Haul Trucks:General tab is used to define the General, Loaders, Haul Truck Specifications, Dumping and Reclaiming settings.

Field Details

General Settings

The General group is used to define the general details for each haul truck class.

More about General Settings...

Loaders Settings

Define the loaders associated with each Haul Truck Class.

More about Loader Settings...

Specifications Settings

Define the haul truck mass, drive wheel load distribution and traction parameters.

More about Specifications Settings...

Dumping Settings

Define the dumping times for each haul truck class.

More about Dumping Settings...

Reclaiming Settings

Define the reclaiming times for each haul truck class at the various destinations.

More about Reclaiming Settings...

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