Haul Trucks: General

Define general haul truck settings

General Haul Truck Settings

To access these functions:

  • Activate the Schedule ribbon and select Setup. Select any haul truck item on the left.

  • In the Update Schedule dialog, enable the Haul Trucks option and click the browse button.

This General group of options is used to define details for each haul truck class. These form part of the settings on the General Settings panel for each truck.

You can associate various properties for a haul truck class here, including specific settings for a nominated time period. It is also possible to associate an existing maintenance calendar with a truck class.

Maintenance Calendars

A Maintenance Calendar can be associated with the Haul Truck Class in order to define planned maintenance events.

Availabilities, Efficiencies and Utilization Calculations

The Mechanical Availability, Use of Availability and Operational Efficiency (all in units of percent) can be entered for individual periods or ranges of periods. For instance if the first End Period is entered as 10 then the values will be applied to Time Periods 1 to 10. A different set of values could then be entered with a second End Period of 99 and these will be applied to Time Periods 11 to 99.

The Utilization (%) is then calculated as follows: Utilization = Mechanical Availability x Use of Availability  x Operational Efficiency.

Studio OP uses the Utilisation to calculate the operating hours as follows: Operating Hours = Utilisation x Calendar Hours

The capacity for a Truck Class is then calculated as follows: Haul Truck Class Capacity = Operating Hours x Rated Capacity x Number of Units

The capacity of the Truck Class can then be used in the schedule as a target and warning messages will be issued if the capacity is exceeded.

Field Details:

Haul Truck ID: enter a unique name for the truck class. Also, specify an Abbreviation to be used when displaying the haul truck symbol in the 3D window.

Rated Capacity: enter a value for the rated capacity (tonnes/load) of a single truck of the truck class specified in Haul Truck ID.

Tonnes/Load: select this option to set the capacity units to tonnes/load.

Volume/Load: select this option to set the capacity units to volume/load.

Adjustment Factor: optionally select a table column that contains adjustment factor values.

Maintenance Calendar: optionally select a maintenance calendar from the dropdown.

General Settings grid

End Period: for each record, enter a value for the end scheduling period for which, or up until which, the associated availability, efficiency and utilization parameters apply.

Units: enter a value for the number of trucks in the truck class specified in Haul Truck ID required for the specified period, default '1'.

This will change the capacity hours for the Machine Class. This methodology mainly applies to medium term planning e.g. where the machine fleet size varies over time as new units are purchased or decommissioned.This can also be achieved by modifying the utilisation period by period but is not a recommended method.

This methodology may also have usage for short term where the user wants to model the number of haul truck units day by day. However it is probably better in this case to keep the number of units fixed and vary mechanical availability day by day according to the Planned Maintenance schedule.

Using a Maintenance calendar to control the number of available haul trucks is also not recommended as it means that the whole fleet is down during a PM. One actually wants to model a partial fleet. 

Avail %
: for each period, enter a value (%) for the Mechanical Availability of the truck class.

UoA %: for each period, enter a value (%) for the Use of Availability of the truck class.

OpEff %: for each period, enter a value (%) for the Operational Efficiency of the truck class.

Utilization %: the automatically calculated Utilization (%) for each period.

Cost/Hr: enter an associated cost here, related to the truck for the nominated time period here, if one is relevant.


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