Haul Trucks: Reclaiming

Define haul truck reclaiming parameters

Reclaiming Group

To access these functions:

  • Activate the Schedule ribbon and select Setup. Select any haul truck item on the left.

  • In the Update Schedule dialog, enable the Haul Trucks option and click the browse button.

The Reclaiming control group is used to define the reclaiming times for each haul truck class at the various destinations. These form part of the settings on the General Settings panel for each truck

Field Details:

The Reclaiming grid displays a list of the available reclaim destinations and their associated haul truck reclaiming parameters.

Destination: destination name (automatically derived from the Destinations list). More...

Init.Cycle (mins): enter a value (minutes) representing the Initial Cycle Time for the selected truck to reclaim at the listed destination.

Inc.Cycle (mins): enter a value (minutes) representing the Incremental Cycle Time for the selected truck to reclaim at the listed destination.


Calculating the Reclaiming Time

The Reclaiming Time at a Destination is made up of:

  • Initial cycle time from stockpile entry point to Load Point (minutes).

  • Incremental cycle time (minutes/Kt); this is the incremental distance by which the stockpile grows per million tonnes.

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