Optimization Tasks

Long-term planning controls and dialogs

Tasks Pane - Optimization

To access this panel:

  • Display the Tasks Pane, then select [Optimization] from the panel selection drop-down list

The Optimization panel displays the list of commands in the top-bottom order you will normally follow to complete the project.

Generally, tasks are only available if expected inputs are available (e.g. you cannot schedule pushbacks without an economic model).

  • Back, Forwards and Home: use these commands to go forward and back through your panel viewing history. This can be useful to quickly move between two regularly-used panels, for example.
  • Panel selection: use this drop-down menu to select a tasks panel (Optimization, Visualize, Reports or Notes).
  • Scrollers: If the Tasks Pane is taller than the current screen resolution, use these arrows to scroll the pane contents up or down.

Commands are grouped into collapsible tables, each representing a key functional area of the strategic planning and optimization workflow.

Select a link from below for more details:

  • Import Data
    For general information about importing strategic planning data, see Data Import Essentials

    • ClosedDatamine Model...

      Only available if a model has not yet been loaded for the current case study. Import a Datamine (.dm) format model.

      More about NPVS models...

    • ClosedMineSight Model...

      Only available if a model has not yet been loaded for the current case study. Import a MineSight format model.

      More about NPVS models...

    • ClosedText (CSV) Model...

      Only available if a model has not yet been loaded for the current case study. Import a model stored in ASCII text format, using the Text Import Wizard.

      More about NPVS models...

    • ClosedOther Model...

      Only available if a model has not yet been loaded for the current case study. Import a model using the Data Source Drivers facility. A wide range of drivers are available.

      More about NPVS models...

    • ClosedModel Information

      Display summary information about the currently loaded model in the Optimization Output control bar. This includes the Case Study to which the model relates, its file format, disk location and other properties.

      More about the Optimization Output control bar...

    • ClosedRefresh Model

      Refresh the loaded model and, optionally, add fields (Datamine, MineSight and CSV models only).

      Adding fields is performed using the Assign Fields dialog.

    • ClosedDatamine Surface...

      Import one or more wireframes for use in optimization. This option is used to select a Datamine wireframe triangles file.

      After a file and attributes have been selected for import, the Save Surface dialog is used to migrate the data into the current database.

    • ClosedOther Surface...

      Import one or more wireframes for use in optimization. This option is used to activate Datamine's Data Source Drivers console and select a non-Datamine file (a wide range of formats are supported).

      After a surface file and attributes have been selected for import, the Save Surface dialog is used to migrate the data into the current database.

    • ClosedBoundaries...

      Boundary strings representing pit limits, slope regions, pushback adjustments or pit partitions are imported using this command.

      Once a string and attributes have been selected, you assign the data to a particular category using the Choose Region Type dialog

  • Economic Model
    For general information on how the economic model is generated and used in optimization, see Economic Model Essentials

  • Ultimate Pit
    Pit optimization settings are defined here. For more information on pit optimization, see Pit Optimization Essentials

    • ClosedDefine Slope Regions

      Create 3D slope regions either from 2D outlines or from 3D separating surfaces, or from a combination of outlines and separating surfaces.

      Displays the Make 3D Regions dialog.

    • ClosedSettings...

      Define how ultimate pits are generated, including:

      • Annual discounting and ore output rate. More...
      • Ultimate pit calculation method and settings. More...
      • Sequencing options. More...
      • Slope region definition. More...
      • Topography and pit limits. More...
    • ClosedCheck Slopes

      Runs a slope check report. For more about pit slope definition, see Pit Optimization Essentials.

    • ClosedRun

      Generate the ultimate pit based on your current optimization parameters for the active case study.

  • Pushbacks
    For more information on pushback generation, see Pushback Generation Essentials

    • ClosedSettings...

      Define parameters for pushback generation, including:

      • Global pushback settings such as final pit limits and slope adjustment settings. More...
      • the minimum allowed distance between pushback boundaries (except when these boundaries coincide with the ultimate pit boundary). More...
      • Size management, including maximum size, depth limit and other adjustments, for each pushback. More...
    • ClosedRun

      Generate pushbacks based on your current optimization parameters.

  • Scheduler
    For more information on calculating the optimal extraction sequence (OES), see Scheduler Essentials

    • ClosedPushback File...

      You can schedule either Studio NPVS-generated pushbacks (default) or another pit sequence, for example, imported pushbacks. Decide which to use via the Schedule Pushbacks dialog.

    • ClosedStockpiles...

      Define all parameters related to any stockpiled material to be used when generating the Schedule. Displays the Define Stockpiles for the Scheduler dialog.

    • ClosedHaulage Info...

      Set up your haulage settings here, including:

      • define truck and ramp parameters per destination. More...
      • choose the bench exit location(s) for each pushback. More...
      • a parameter check calculator to ensure your settings are feasible. More...
    • ClosedSettings...

      Define the settings that will be used to schedule pushbacks, including:

      • how time or truck hours are depleted throughout the planning period. More...
      • your scheduling targets. More...
      • determine how the Scheduler conducts its search. More...
      • if any specific pushback dependencies exist. More...
    • ClosedCapital Costs...

      Define capital costs for the Scheduler, MAO and MFO. More...

    • ClosedRun

      Run the scheduler to generate the optimal sequence based on the parameters provided so far.

      More about the scheduler...

  • Allocation & Flow
    For more information on the Material Allocation Optimizer, see About MAO. For more information on the Mine Flow Optimizer, see About MFO.

    • ClosedUpdated Economics

      MAO and MFO can either use Economic Settings directly or can use modified economic parameters saved as a part of MAO Settings. Use this dialog to provide updated settings, including

    • ClosedSettings

      Define your general settings for material and flow optimization, including:

      • Rules for dividing ore types into grade classes. More...
      • General stockpile settings. More...
      • Define external sources and stockpiles accepting multiple ore types. More...
      • Define the destinations for blended products. More...
      • Define the variables to use and the rate or ratio targets in terms of those variables. More...
      • Choose to run MAO or MFO (and defined maximum mining rates if the latter). More...
    • ClosedHaulage Info

      Define haulage settings for MAO, including:

      • Define the truck parameters for each material source (mine and/or stockpiles). More...
      • Set the destination of the hauled material whether the destination is a plant, stockpile or waste dump. More...
      • Check and export pushback bench exit data to a .csv file. More...
      • Test the viability of currently defined destination, rock type and haulage parameters for a given block location. More...
    • ClosedRun

      Launch the Material Allocation/Mine Flow Optimizer and build the MAO-MFO model.

    • ClosedSave Model

      Save the generated MAO-MFO model.

  • Risk Assessment
    For more information on geological risk assessment within your product, see About GRA.

    • ClosedImport Data

      Import conditional simulation data. This is assumed to be from the same model that was used to build the economic model. More

    • ClosedMake Value Model

      Build equally likely value models by applying economic and recovery parameters to the grade models. More...

    • ClosedEvaluate OES

      Evaluate probability distributions of profits and NPV of any OES. More...

    • ClosedMake Risk Rated Pits

      Evaluate probability distributions of profits and NPV of any OES. Like any other pit, a k-Pit can be evaluated for costs, revenues, NPV, tonnages and grades. More...

  • ClosedAbort

    Abort the current processing routine at the earliest opportunity.

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