DataBlast Deployment Process Overview

Important: Perform the deployment of required components in the order as documented below. Ensure that you refer to the linked activities for full details.

  1. Ensure that the system requirements have been met. (DataBlast System Installer)
  2. Configure user and group permissions. (System Administrator)
  3. Install the DataBlast Pro applications on the server machine. (DataBlast System Installer)
    • The server applications include all required files to run the DataBlast Service, as well as applications for upgrading the DataBlast database and generating the DataBlast Reporting database. The Datamine License Manager is also installed if required.
    • The DataBlast Client application is required on the server machine for configuration and testing purposes.
    • The BlastPad application can also be installed on the server machine for testing purposes.
    • See Install the DataBlast Pro Applications on the Server.
  4. Deploy the provided DataBlast database. (Database Installer)
  5. Generate the DataBlast Reporting database if required. (DataBlast System Installer / Database Installer)
  6. Complete configuration of service control settings, users, product maintenance, site maintenance and charge standards. (DataBlast System Installer)
    • Log into the DataBlast Client on the server machine as the admin user for this configuration. You do not need to start the DataBlast Service for this configuration.
    • Change the password of the admin user.
    • See the activities in the System Administration section of the DataBlast Pro help.
  7. Configure the DataBlast Service. (DataBlast System Installer)
    1. Configure service status and exception logging to email if required. See Configure Email Notifications.
    2. Start the DataBlast Service in console mode and test all connections. See Start the DataBlast Service.
    3. Stop the DataBlast Service in console mode. See Stop the DataBlast Service.
    4. Create the DataBlast Service as a Windows service and configure the logon user for the service. See Create the DataBlast Service.
    5. Start the DataBlast Service as a Windows service.
  8. Install the DataBlast Client on all external workstations. (DataBlast Workstation Installer)
  9. Install BlastPad on all tablets if required. (DataBlast Workstation Installer)